Page 8 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 8


          Aluminum Square Tubing                            Steel Angled Stock
           Square tubing is 6063-T5                           Steel angled stock is ideal for building projects
          grade alloy with .125"                            around the shop or creating supports when
          wall thickness and sold in          Over 8 Foot Shipped    needed. Standard grade steel has excel-
          pre-cut lengths of 4', 8', 12'       Via Truck Freight  lent welding characteristics and is easily   Over 8 Foot Shipped
                                                                                                 Via Truck Freight
          and 20'. Ideal for fabricating                    cut and shaped.
          rub rails or building shop, trailer or pit equipment like ladders, pit   Description  4' Length  8' Length  12' Length
          carts and tire racks.                                  1" x 1" x 1/8"  ALL22156-4  ALL22156-8  ALL22156-12
             4' Length   8' Length  12' Length   20' Length   1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/8"  ALL22157-4  ALL22157-8  ALL22157-12
          3/4" x 3/4"                                            2" x 2" x 1/8"  ALL22158-4  ALL22158-8  ALL22158-12
            ALL22256-4  ALL22256-8  ALL22256-12  ALL22256-20
          1" x 1"                                           Aluminum Flat Stock
            ALL22257-4  ALL22257-8  ALL22257-12  ALL22257-20  Aluminum 6063-T5 flat stock is
                                                            ideal for fabricating mount-        Over 8 Foot Shipped
          Drilled Aluminum Angle, 90 Degree                 ing brackets, etc.                   Via Truck Freight
           Aluminum angle has many uses including strengthening body   Description  4' Length  8' Length  12' Length  16' Length
          panels and providing a mounting point for strapping or body   Flat Stock 1" Wide
          braces, typically used on the upper section of rear quarter   1/8" Thick  ALL22250-4  ALL22250-8  ALL22250-12  ALL22250-16*
          panels and door panels. 90 degree angle allows supports   3/16" Thick  ALL22251-4  ALL22251-8  ALL22251-12  ALL22251-16*
          or braces to fasten directly to the chassis. Angle is
          1/8" thick x 1" wide and has 1/4" holes on 1"     * NEW
             Part No.   Description                         Steel Flat Stock
            ALL23134    26" Long
            ALL23134-5  26" Long, 5-Pack                      Steel flat stock is ideal          Over 8 Foot Shipped
            ALL23135    30" Long                            for building projects around         Via Truck Freight
            ALL23135-5  30" Long, 5-Pack                    the shop or creating supports
            ALL23138    66" Long                            when needed. Standard grade steel has excellent welding char-
            ALL23138-5  66" Long, 5-Pack                    acteristics and is easily cut and shaped.
                                                              Description  4' Length   8' Length   12' Length
          Drilled Aluminum Angle, 120 Degree                   1" x 1/8"  ALL22150-4   ALL22150-8  ALL22150-12
           Aluminum angle has many uses including strengthen-  1" x 3/16"  ALL22151-4  ALL22151-8  ALL22151-12
          ing body panels and providing a mounting point for   1-1/2" x 1/8"  ALL22152-4  ALL22152-8  ALL22152-12
          strapping or body braces, typically used on the      2" x 1/8"  ALL22154-4   ALL22154-8  ALL22154-12
          lower section of rear quarter panels. 120            2" x 3/16"  ALL22155-4  ALL22155-8  ALL22155-12
          degree angle allows supports or braces to
          angle upward toward the chassis. Angle is         Slotted Body Strap ALL23120
          1/8" thick x 1" wide and has 1/4" holes on
          1" centers.                                         Connect and support body panels on the chassis of
                                                            most race cars. 3/16" thick x 46" long x 1"
             Part No.   Description                         wide aluminum strapping has 1/4"
            ALL23130     26" Long
            ALL23130-5  26" Long, 5-Pack                    slots every inch. Use with
            ALL23131     30" Long                           ALL23105 body brace
            ALL23131-5  30" Long, 5-Pack                    kit for complete body
          Slotted Aluminum Angle,
          90 Degree ALL23124                                Aluminum Hinges
           Slotted angle aluminum brace connects              Low profile hinge is
          and strengthens body panels. Brace is 1/8"        2" wide when open and
          thick x 1" wide x 72" long with 3/8" x 5/8"       has 7/8" of flat surface
          slots. Ideal for use along tops of spoilers.      on each side of the
                                                            center pin. Available in
          Aluminum Angled Stock               Over 8 Foot Shipped    36" and 72" lengths.
           1" x 1" aluminum 6063-T5 stock is ideal   Via Truck Freight  Commonly used when
          for fabricating mounting brackets, etc.           building spoilers and access doors.
                                                               Part No.   Description
             Description  4' Length  8' Length  16' Length     ALL23125   36" Long, Plain
          1" x 1" x 1/16" Thick ALL22253-4 ALL22253-8  ALL22253-16  ALL23127  72" Long, Plain
           1" x 1" x 1/8" Thick  ALL22254-4 ALL22254-8  ALL22254-16  ALL23126  36" Long, Black
          1" x 1" x 3/16" Thick ALL22255-4 ALL22255-8  ALL22255-16  ALL23128  72" Long, Black

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