Page 7 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 7
Polycarbonate Sheeting Aluminum Sheets
Scratch Proof – Material does
not scratch easily when hit by
debris, or when cleaned. Most
popular for windshields, but
also may be used for side and rear windows.
Standard – Less expensive, commonly used for side and rear windows. Can
also be used for windshields, but scratches easily.
Part No. Description
ALL22220 36" x 72", 0.118" Scratch Proof, 2-Sides Aluminum sheets are 4 ft. wide by .040" thick, and available in
ALL22223 40" x 72", 0.118" Scratch Proof, 2-Sides most popular colors. Sheets with single sided colors have a white
ALL22222 72" x 96", 0.118" Scratch Proof, 2-Sides* painted backside and all sheets have a removable protective fi lm
ALL22228 40" x 72", 0.093" Standard on one side to resist scratches.
ALL22224 40" x 72", 0.118" Standard 4' x 10' (120")
ALL22226 72" x 96", 0.118" Standard*
Part No. Description
*Must ship via Truck Freight ALL22200 Plain †
ALL22230 Satin Plain (Common For Interiors) NEW!
Aluminum Panels ALL22201 Chrome on Chrome (Bright Clear) §
Universal panels have many ALL22202 White
Aluminum And Diamond Plate
uses around the shop or at the ALL22203 Xtreme Red Shipped Freight Truck, Six Sheet
track. Panels work well when ALL22209 Red on Red Minimum and Surcharge
fabricating spoiler sides, interior ALL22206 Gloss Black For A Shipping Pallet.
panels or on uneven pit areas ALL22207 Black on Black, Gloss
as a fl oor jack plate. 24" x 48". ALL22208 Flat Black
Part No. Description ALL22219 Black on Black, Flat
ALL22236 0.063" Thick ALL22210 Shell Gray (Medium)
ALL22238 0.125" Thick ALL22211 Xtreme Green
ALL22212 Pepsi Blue (Light)
ALL22213 Chevron Blue (Medium)
ALL22205 Chevron Blue on Chevron Blue (Medium)
Diamond Plate Aluminum ALL22214 Heron Blue (Dark)
ALL22240 ALL22215 Orange
4' x 8' sheets are .063" thick ALL22244 Vibrant Orange
and provide an attractive, shiny, ALL22216 Yellow on Yellow
non-slip fi nish for trailer fl oors, ALL22217 Xtreme Purple
steps, etc.
ALL22245 Silver Metallic
4' x 10'-6" (126")
Plain Sheet Steel Part No. Description
Sheet steel is cold rolled with ALL22480 White on White
a plain fi nish making it great for ALL22482 Black on Black, Gloss LONGER LENGTH
metal fabrication and restoration ALL22488 Black on Black, Flat 10'-6" SHEETS
projects. Sheet steel has many ALL22484 Red on Red
uses including constructing or ALL22486 Chevron Blue on Chevron Blue (Medium)
repairing body panels and fi lling †Plain finish on both sides
holes in fi rewalls or fl oor pans. Sheets are 4' x 8'. §Bright clear on both sides (side with protective film has chrome
Part No. Description
ALL22242 24 Gauge (.024")
ALL22233 20 Gauge (.036") Stainless Wire Screen
ALL22234 18 Gauge (.048") Use screen to protect radiators, oil coolers or
other items. Size referenced is the approximate
Painted Sheet Steel ALL22243 opening of the screen.
White painted 24 5/64" (.025" Wire Diameter)
gauge (.024") steel is Part No. Description
lightweight and perfect ALL22260 12" x 36"
for building interiors ALL22262 36" x 36"
in racing classes that 1/8" (.035" Wire Diameter) 5/64"
require steel panels or Part No. Description
when fi lling holes in ALL22265 12" x 36"
fi rewalls or fl oor pans. 4' x 10' sheet is painted on both sides and ALL22267 36" x 36"
one side has a removable protective fi lm to help prevent scratch- ALL22268 36" x 48" 1/8"
es during handling. 3/16" (.047" Wire Diameter)
Part No. Description
ALL22270 12" x 36"
ALL22272 36" x 36"
ALL22273 36" x 48"