Page 6 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 6


          2BBL Air Cleaner Base ALL26081                     Air Cleaner Hold Down Seal
           Aluminum air cleaner base has 14"                  Hold down seal prevents dirt from collecting
          overall diameter. 5/8" drop, plain fi nish.         in the “cup” of the air cleaner lid, which can fall into
          3" diameter carburetor fl ange.                     the carburetor causing major engine damage. This is specially
                                                             designed to fi t Allstar aluminum air cleaner lids. Available to fi t
                                                             1/4" or 5/16" carburetor studs.
          Air Cleaner Adapter ALL26080
                                                                   Part No.         Description
           Use the more readily available 4bbl. air cleaner on a   ALL26050        1/4"-20 Threads
          Rochester 2bbl. carburetor. Accessorize with aftermar-   ALL26051        5/16"-18 Threads
          ket air cleaner and retain stock 2bbl. carburetor and
          intake. Racing classes using a 2bbl. can benefi t from the   O-Ring Carb Nuts
          higher fl ow of a 4bbl. air cleaner. Made of high strength ABS plastic.
          Adapter has a 3" I.D. and a 5-1/8" O.D.             Seal air cleaner and eliminate us-
                                                             ing a wrench to remove air cleaner
                                                             assembly. Black aluminum nuts have
          Paper Air Filter Elements                          a grooved pattern for non-slip grip.  ALL26045  ALL26046
           High performance paper air fi lter                  Part No.    Description
          elements increase air fl ow.                        Short Nut - 5/8" Tall
            Part No.  Description                            ALL26045  1/4"-20 Thread
            ALL26020  14" x 3"                               ALL26047  5/16"-18 Thread
            ALL26021  14" x 3.5"                             Tall Nut - 1-1/4" Tall
            ALL26022  14" x 4"                               ALL26046  1/4"-20 Thread
            ALL26023  14" x 5"                               ALL26048  5/16"-18 Thread
            ALL26028  16" x 3"
            ALL26029  16" x 3.5"                             Air Cleaner Studs
            ALL26030  16" x 4"
                                                              Straight and offset studs (for
          Washable Air Filter Elements                       use with Allstar offset base   ALL26057  ALL26056
           Washable air fi lter elements offer bet-           air cleaners) are 6" long with
                                                             1/4"-20 threads and a wing nut.
          ter engine protection and increase air             ALL26056 also has an adapter
          fl ow for more power and torque. After              for carbs with 5/16"-18 threads.         ALL26058
          cleaning, elements may be re-used. Ele-            ALL26057 has a 1-1/2" offset.
          ments are pre-oiled and available in four
          heights.                                                 Part No.         Description
                                                                   ALL26056      Straight Stud With Adapter
            Part No.  Description                                  ALL26057       Offset Stud, 1/4" x 6"
            ALL26000  14" x 3"
                                                                   ALL26058       Adapter, 1/4" To 5/16"
            ALL26002  14" x 4"
            ALL26004  14" x 5"
            ALL26006  14" x 6"
                                                             Carb Hats
          Air Cleaner Top Element                             Carburetor hats are ideal to
          ALL26010                                           cover open carbs and prevent
           Unique 14" dia. element replaces traditional metal lid to increase  debris from falling into the engine   ALL26040  ALL26042
          air fl ow for more horsepower and torque. Washable element may   while working in garage
          be cleaned and used over and over. Top element is pre-oiled and   or pit area while the air cleaner
          ready for installation.                            is removed. 2-1/2" tall carb hats
                                                             are designed to fi t most carbs
          Filter Cleaning Station ALL26009                   or throttle bodies with a 5-1/8"
           Filter cleaning station simplifi es and            diameter neck.               ALL26043    ALL26044
          speeds up the process of servicing 14"               Part No.               Description
          washable air fi lters. Spray air fi lter with a       ALL26040               Plastic Carb Hat
          cleaner/degreaser as recommended by fi lter          ALL26042    Plastic Carb Hat With Screen, Use When Adjusting Valves
                                                                             Aluminum Carb Hat, Standard Spun Aluminum
          manufacturer, allow a brief time to soak then       ALL26044  Aluminum Carb Hat, Deluxe Machined Aluminum With Sealing O-Ring
          fl ush clean with a garden hose. Allow fi lter to
          dry completely then apply an even applica-         Note: Hats will not clear choke linkage or shaft on Holley style carbs but
                                                             will clear choke horn with choke linkage and shaft removed.
          tion of fi lter oil, if applicable. For use with
          washable fi lter elements only.
                                                             Dominator Carb Hat ALL26041
          Air Filter Cleaner ALL78222                         Plastic carb hat is 2-3/8" tall and fi ts over
           Spray solution directly onto dirty air            the 7-1/4" air cleaner opening of Holley
          fi lter. Allow a brief time to soak, 5-10           Dominator carburetors to prevent water
                                                             or debris from entering the engine. Solid
          minutes then rinse clean with water. For           cover may be drilled when an air cleaner stud
          use with Allstar washable air fi lter ele-          is used.
          ments. Plastic 24 oz. bottle.

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