Page 380 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 380
Chrome 14" Dia. Filter Elements
Air Cleaner Assemblies K&N high-flow filter elements im prove air flow and are not
Race ready, chrome plated air cleaner affected by moisture or mist. Elements can be cleaned with K&N
assemblies are offered with choice of low Filter Cleaner and reused.
profile 7/8" or 1-1/4" drop bases, or 9/16" Part No. Description
raised bases. Assemblies fit carburetors with 5-1/8" diameter KNEE1650 3" Tall x 14" Diameter
necks and include high flow 14" element, base and top. KNEE3743* 3" Tall x 14" Diameter
KNEE3745* 3-1/2" Tall x 14" Diameter
Element Total KNEE3750* 4" Tall x 14" Diameter
Part No. Description Base Height Height KNEE3760* 5" Tall x 14" Diameter
KNE60-1264 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 9/16" Raised 3" 4-5/8" KNEE3770* 6" Tall x 14" Diameter
KNE60-1260 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 9/16" Raised 4" 5-5/8" * Inner support wire.
KNE60-1270 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 9/16" Raised 5" 6-5/8"
KNE60-1280 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 1-1/4" Drop 3" 2-3/4" Composite
KNE60-1290 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 1-1/4" Drop 4" 3-3/4"
KNE60-1300 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 1-1/4" Drop 5" 4-3/4" Hood Scoops
KNE60-1430 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 7/8" Drop 3" 3-1/4" Ideal for Pro Stock, Pro Mod,
KNE60-1440 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 7/8" Drop 4" 4-1/4" Top Sportsman, Super Stock,
Super Gas and Super Street, carbon fiber scoops reflect advanced
Dominator Air Cleaner computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and SolidWorks CAD for
Assemblies reduced aerodynamic drag.
Similar to the above custom air Part No. Description
cleaners, but with 7-5/16" inside di- KNE100-8506 D-Shaped Opening, 12” High x 45” Long x 18” Wide
ameter to fit popular 4500 Dominator KNE100-8508 D-Shaped Opening, 12” High x 45” Long x 18” Wide
carburetors. Assemblies include high KNE100-8512 D-Shaped Opening, 23-5/8” High x 60” Long x 28” Wide
flow element, base and top.
Stub Stacks
Element Total
Part No. Description Base Height Height Reduce turbu-
KNE60-1230 11" Dia. Chrome Assembly 1" Raised 3-1/2" 4-1/2" lence, straighten
KNE60-1235 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 1-1/2" Raised 4" 5-1/2" air flow and
KNE60-1245 14" Dia. Chrome Assembly 1-1/2" Raised 5" 6-1/2" improve metering KNE85-0200 KNE85-0400 KNE85-0600
KNE60-1250 11" Dia. Chrome Assembly 1" Raised 6" 7"
KNE60-1640 16" Dia. Chrome Assembly 1/2" Drop 3-1/2" 3-1/4" response on car-
buretors. Will not allow the use of a standard air cleaner, but may
be used to hold down the base plate of a cold air scoop.
X-Stream Air Cleaner
Part No.
Assemblies KNE85-0200 Holley 4BBL 4150/4160, With Choke Horn
High flow air filter elements and steel KNE85-0400 Holley 4BBL 4150/4160, Without Choke Horn
bases are topped by the X-Stream Air KNE85-0600 Holley 4BBL Dominator 4500
Flow Top Plate to boost horsepower and
torque. Offered to fit carburetors with Air Filter Oil and Cleaner
5-1/8" (unless noted) diameter necks. K&N Air Filter Oil is formulated for supe-
Element Total rior air filtration when used with K&N filters.
Part No. Description Base Height Height The Clean er is for K&N filter el e ments and
KNE66-3150 9" Dia. X-Stream Assembly 1-1/4" Rise 2-3/4" 3-1/8" is bio de grad able.
KNE66-3110 11" Dia. X-Stream Assembly 1-1/4" Rise 2-3/16" 3-1/2"
KNE66-3120 11" Dia. X-Stream Assembly 1-1/4" Rise 3-1/2" 4-3/4" Part No. Description
KNE66-3040 14" Dia. X-Stream Assembly 1-1/4" Drop 3" 2-3/4" KNE99-5000 Recharger Kit
KNE66-3070 14" Dia. X-Stream Assembly 1-1/4" Drop 5" 4-3/4" (6.5 Oz. Oil and 12 Oz. Cleaner)
KNE66-3080 † 14" Dia. X-Stream Assembly 1-1/2" Rise 4" 5-1/2" KNE99-5050 Recharger Kit Ground
† Assembly has a special 7-5/16" flange to fit Holley dominator carburetors. (8 Oz. Oil and 12.Oz.Cleaner) Shipment
KNE99-0504 6 Oz. Air Filter Oil, Aerosol
KNE99-0516 12 Oz. Air Filter Oil, Aerosol
X-Stream Air Flow Top Plates KNE99-0533 8 Oz. Air Filter Oil, Squirt
1 Gal. Air Filter Oil
Replace the standard air cleaner KNE99-0551 12 Oz. Air Filter Cleaner, Squirt
top plate with a unique filter. Increase KNE99-0621 32 Oz. Air Filter Cleaner, Squirt
horsepower and torque with additional KNE99-0635 1 Gal. Air Filter Cleaner, Refill Bottle
air flow. The perfect companion to the
K&N Air Filter Element, 9", 11", and popular 14" diameters. Wrench-Off Oil Filters
9" Dia. 11" Dia. 14" Dia. Filters deliver high volume, positive oil
Description Part No. Part No. Part No. flow with low restriction and provide the
Black KNE66-0901 KNE66-1101 KNE66-1401
Polish/Chrome — — KNE66-1401XP proper balance between engine protection
Red — — KNE66-1401XR and oil pump drag. An inner element traps
contaminants as small as 10 microns. Flow rates are between
12-16 GPM (depending upon filter size) and filters have up to 550
PSI of hydrostatic burst strength.
Part No. Description
KNEHP-3001 Ford/Chrysler Applications
KNEHP-3002 Chevrolet