Page 398 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 398

Digital-7 Programmable Ignition Controls          Replacement Magnetic
          MSD7531                                           Trigger Cable MSD8860
           Program individual cylinder manage-                Two-wire, 6' cable connects MSD Ignition
          ment, step retards, rev limits,                   Control to MSD distributor with magnetic
          shift points and more. The                        pickup.
          Programmable Digital-7 Plus
          with RPM/time based rev limit-                    Vibration Mounts
          ing map is the top-of-the-line. All
          units deliver 535 volts of primary                  Prevent transmission of vibrations from
          voltage,190 millijoules of spark                  chassis to ignition controls.
          energy and are compatible with 4-,                  Part No.         Description
                                                                        4 Mounts, MSD 7AL-2, 7AL-3, 8 & 10
          6- or 8-cylinder engines. Wiring harness and mounting hardware   MSD8800  4 Mounts, MSD 5 & 6, SCI, Digital-7 Series
          are included. Not NHRA-legal in all classes except Pro Modified.  MSD8825  3 Mounts, Pro Power Coil
          Programmable                                      Noise Filter MSD8830
          Digital-7 Accessories                               Removes radio noise caused by an MSD ignition
          Adjustable Intensity LED Shift Light              system. Also removes voltage surges that in ter fere
          MSD7542                                           with other MSD ac ces so ries such as the Two Step.
           Compact shift light can be adjusted to control the
          intensity of the LED, reduced for night time racing, increased for
          daylight. Plugs directly into the Programmable 7-Series ignition.
                                                            Specialized Wiring
          Spark Plug Wire Sync Kit
          MSD7555                                           Harnesses And Adapters
           Using the Digital-7’s Individual Cylinder          Part No.               Description
          Management feature, Sync Kit attaches to           MSD8861  GM HEI Module Bypass Cable Assembly To MSD 6 Or 7-Series Ignitions
          the number one spark plug wire, senses the         MSD8862  Shielded 2-Wire Magnetic Trigger To MSD 6- Or 7-Series Ignitions, 6'
                                                                        Ford Duraspark Connector To MSD 6- Or 7-Series Ignition, 4"
          trigger signal and sends information to the        MSD8874          Ford TFI To MSD 6- Or 7-Series Ignition
          ignition through a fiber optic cable.               MSD8876     GM Dual Connector Coil To MSD 6- Or 7-Series Ignition
                                                             MSD8877  GM 1996-Up Single Connector Coil To MSD 6- Or 7-Series Ignition
          Universal Cam Sync Pick-Up Kit
           Includes non-magnetic pick-up, connectors, mag-
          net and retainer.                                                                MSD8920
          NOTE: A bracket must be fabricated and the magnet installed on the
          cam gear.                                         Tachometer Adapters
                                                              Required for some tachometers when vehicle
          Manual Launch Control/Shift Light                 has an MSD ignition.
          MSD7551                                             Part No.               Description
           Make last second launch RPM adjustments           MSD8910  Points/OEM Ignition Module, When Triggering An MSD 6- Or 7-Series
          to the Digital-7 to compensate for changing                        Ignition Using White Wire Or Points Input
          track conditions. Plugs into RS232 computer        MSD8918  GMR Pick-Up, Activate Tachometer, Shift Light Or RPM-Activated Switch,
                                                                                Ideal For Coil-On-Plug Ignitions
          harness and uses two dials for adjustments.                Magnetic Pick-Up, When Triggering An MSD 6- Or 7-Series Ignition With
                                                                                  Green/Violet Input Wires
          MAP Sensors
           Required for the boost/retard feature of
          Programmable Digital-7 ignitions.
                                                            DIS Plus HO Ignition Control
            Part No.       Description
           MSD23121    2-Bar MAP Sensor, 2-30 PSI             Engineered for drag race only,
           MSD23131    3-Bar MAP Sensor, 2-45 PSI           distributorless ignition applica-
                                                            tions, the DIS Plus HO Ignition Con-
                                                            trol produces outstanding spark
          8-Plus Ignition Control                           energy and primary voltage. Ideal
          MSD7805                                           for engines running high boost
           New ignition has the same                        pressures from turbos, blowers or
          output as the original MSD-8,                     nitrous oxide. Not for street use.
          but with a smaller housing,                         Part No.                Description
          improved internal components                        MSD62153         DIS-4 Plus HO, 2-, 3- Or 4-Coil Packs
          and a built-in 2-step rev control.                 Related Components   GM Coil Interface Module
          It can fire two coils at once for                    MSD88812      Wiring Harness, DIS-4 To Dual Ford Coil Packs
          engines with dual spark plugs
          and is compatible with 4-, 6- or
          8-cylinder applications. Use with MSD8201 Pro Power coil.

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