Page 402 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 402

          Crank Trigger Distributors                        Pro Mag 44
           Dis trib u tors have large diameter caps with    Generators
          widespread terminals to prevent crossfire and        Designed for extreme racing.
          ionization. Low profile will clear large tunnel rams   Generator has a durable, billet alu-  MSD8142
          and blower man i folds. Dis trib u tors include cap, rotor,   minum housing for the magnetic
          and bronze gear.                                  pickup, 16 rare earth magnets, an
            Part No.         Description                    eight paddle reluctor, rotor plate
           MSD84697            Chevy                        and a .500" hardened steel shaft
                            Chevy Low Profile
           MSD8486                                          with four sealed ball bearings. The
                     With Crab Cap, 1/2" Taller Than MSD8489
           MSD8489      Chevy Low Profile With Crab Cap     Pro Mag 44 provides incredible
           MSD8558          Chevy Tall Deck                 power and accuracy, yet has no
           MSD8378           SB Ford 351W                   mechanical parts to wear out or
           MSD8569       Ford 351C-460, Low Profile         maintain.                                 MSD8147
                                                              Part No.               Description
          Flying Magnet Crank Trigger                        MSD8130         Pro Mag 44 Generator, Clockwise Rotation
                                                                           Pro Mag 44 Generator, Counterclockwise Rotation
           The MSD Flying Magnet Crank Trigger               Accessory Components
          employs an aluminum wheel with four                MSD7455               Pro Mag Cap-A-Dapt
          magnets that pass by a stationary                  MSD7990        Crank Trigger To Generator Cross-Over Switch
          non-magnetic pickup, causing the                   MSD8132                Tach Converter
          ignition to produce accurate                       MSD8134                 Kill Solenoid
          trigger signals. Prevents                          MSD8142                Pro Mag 44 Coil
          false triggering from bolts or                     MSD8147               Electronic Points Box
          bumps on the trigger wheel.
          Only the magnets will create
          the necessary trigger signal.                     Wiring Diagrams
          Includes a two-piece mount-
          ing bracket for the non-mag-                      And Tech Notes MSD9615
          netic pickup that will work on                      Revised book has over 160 pages of
          either the passenger or driver’s side of the engine. Offered with   specifications, coil applications and
          red or black finish.                               other technical information for MSD ig-
                                                            nition systems. Wiring suggestions and
                     Application       Red Part No.  Black Part No.
                SB Chevrolet, 6-1/4” Balancer  MSD8600  MSD86003  troubleshooting sections are included.
                 SB Chevrolet, 7” Balancer  MSD8610  MSD86103
                 SB Chevrolet, 8” Balancer  MSD8615  MSD86153
              BB Chevrolet 396-454, 8” Balancer  MSD8620  MSD86203
              BB Chrysler 383-440, 7-1/4” Balancer  MSD8636  —
              SB Ford 289-351W, 6.562” Balancer  MSD8640  MSD86403  Soft Touch Rev Control
           BB Ford 429-460 (Exc. 351C), 7-1/4” Balancer  MSD8644  —  MSD8728
                Pontiac 326-455, 7” Balancer  MSD8650  —
                                                              Don’t risk over-revving an expen-
          Replacement Components                            sive engine. Smooth rev-limiting ac-
            Part No.               Description
           MSD8276              Non-Magnetic Pickup         tion, adjusted with plug-in modules,
                          Magnetic Pickup, Older MSD Crank Triggers    “holds” engine at selected RPM
                             Using Steel-Studded Trigger Wheel  without harsh backfires. Modules
           MSD86113     Crank Trigger Wheel, SB Chevrolet, 7” Balancer, Black  for 6,000, 7,000 and 8,000 RPM are
           MSD86213     Crank Trigger Wheel, BB Chevrolet, 8” Balancer, Black  included. Compatible with GM, Ford
                                                            or Chrysler with paints or electronic ignitions.
          Front Drive Distributors
           Front Drive Distributors fit where
          firewall or intake manifold interfer-
          ence is a problem and are belt-driven
          from a pulley on the camshaft. Must
          be used with an MSD Flying Magnet
          Crank Trigger and Jesel camshaft belt
          drive kit. Each distributor includes a large, Ford style cap, cam
          pulley, 9mm drive belt and mounting bolts.
            Part No.               Description
            MSD8510                SB Chevrolet
            MSD8520                BB Chevrolet
          Replacement Components/Accessories
            MSD8513      Pro Billet Oil Pump Drive, Wet Sump Applications

                                                            JOE WRIGHT                                 MATT HAUCH
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