Page 404 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 404
Adjustable Timing Control Retard Module Kits
MSD8680 A full selection of retard module kits for
Perfect for street/strip cars, MSD Timing Controls. Five per kit (except
the dash-mounted control knob MSD8773).
advances or retards ignition tim- Part No. Description
ing right from the driver’s seat MSD8774 11°, 12°, 13°, 14°, 15°
for increased performance, fuel MSD8775 16°, 17°, 18°, 19°, 20° MSD8774
economy and detonation preven- MSD8776 5°, 6°, 7°, 8°, 9°, 10°
tion. Must be used with an MSD MSD8777 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 5°
Ignition control. MSD8773 Zero Degree Module (One)
Starter Saver With Signal Stabilizer
Digital Multi-Retard MSD8984
MSD8975 Compact controller, only for V8’s with
The Digital Multi-Retard pro- MSD distributor, crank trigger, or other
vides four different ignition retard locked-out ignition systems, retards
stages - without chips! Retard timing by 10° or 20° during engine
functions, which are adjusted via cranking for easier starting.
rotary switches, may be activated
together or separately. Particularly Two Pin Connector MSD8824
useful for initiating timing retard during staged nitrous activation, Simplifies replacement of damaged pins,
high speed retard or start retard functions. Must be used with an connectors, shortening cables or doing cus-
MSD Ignition control.
tom wiring. Metal pins have locking feature to
prevent vibrating loose, and connectors have
Three Stage Retard Control lock tabs for tight, vibration-proof connec-
MSD8970 tions. Includes two connectors and four pins.
The Three Stage Retard Control
re tards ig ni tion tim ing in three Weathertight Sealed Connectors
dif fer ent stages. It’s particularly MSD8170
suit ed to multiple stage ni trous Connectors are unaffected by water,
ox ide sys tems. Connect the Three chemicals, vibration, temperature or dirt,
Stage Re tard to a ni trous sys tem and will not come apart accidentally.
and ev ery time a ni trous stage is ac ti vat ed, a dif fer ent retard Connectors can withstand temperatures
stage will take over. Pro gram (with plug-in mod ules) the amount from -40 to +257°F and are indexed to
of tim ing re tard need ed to match the amount of nitrous used in prevent misfiring. May be separated by
each stage. Supplied with 2, 3, and 4 degree modules. Compatible hand or with a screwdriver when space
with an MSD ignition control only. is tight. Each terminal has its own tower,
eliminating shorts between the wires.
Each connector half has a secondary MSD8171
Start And Step Retard Control lock that snaps over the terminal.
MSD8987 Part No. Description
Ideal for cars with locked-out ignition MSD8170 6-Pin Male Tower/Female Shroud With Pins And Seals
timing, control unit allows retarding MSD8171 4-Pin Male Tower/Female Shroud With Pins And Seals
timing 5°, 10°, 15° or 20° during crank- MSD8172 3-Pin Male Tower/Female Shroud With Pins And Seals
2-Pin Male Tower/Female Shroud With Pins And Seals
ing for easier starting. Digitally con- MSD8174 1-Pin Male Tower/Female Shroud With Pins And Seals
trolled unit also includes a single stage MSD8190 10 Male Pins And Seals
of retard, which may be used during MSD8191 10 Female Pins And Seals
nitrous activation or simply as a high MSD8193 Pin Extraction Tool, Aids Terminal Removal
speed retard. Connects to magnetic
pickups or points and is compatible Deutsch Connectors
with 4-, 6- or 8- cylinder engines. Sealed and locking Deutsch Con-
nectors provide a reliable means of
Retard Module Selector wiring connections. Durable plastic
MSD8676 connectors will not crack or harden.
Each connector is supplied with
Allows selecting between 12 retard terminals, seals and housings.
amounts with the turn of a dial. Ideal for Part No. Description MSD8186
use with nitrous activation or with a high MSD8183 2-Pin Connector, 16-Gauge
speed retard. MSD8184 2-Pin Connector, 12-14 Gauge
Part No. Description MSD8181 4-Pin Connector, 16-Gauge
MSD8676 Retard Module Selector, 0°-11° MSD8180 6-Pin Connector, 16-Gauge
MSD8185 8-Pin Connector, 16-Gauge
MSD8186 12-Pin Connector, 16-Gauge