Page 405 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 405

Ignition Wire Sets And Accessories                 Race Tailored
                  Super Conductor 8.5mm Spark Plug Wire Sets have extremely   Spark Plug Wire Sets
                 low resistance and high RFI (radio frequency interference) sup-  Custom fit sets designed for cars with
                 pression; a combination which would seem to defy the laws of   headers and MSD distributor. Choose
                 physics. The low resistance is the result of a helically wrapped,   red or black Super Conductor spark plug
                 copper alloy conductor which is then wrapped around a ferro-  wire sets. Wires run under the headers on all sets listed.
                 magnetic impregnated center core. Available in red or black.                     Red        Black
                  Universal wire sets have the spark plug boot and terminal   Application  Style  Super Conductor  Super Conductor
                 factory installed. The distributor end boots and terminals are sup-  Small Block Chevy
                 plied, but are not crimped on. Wires are extra long and include a   Late MSD/HEI Style Cap,   90°  MSD31249  MSD31243
                 Mini-Stripper Crimper to aid installation.              Wires Under Headers
                                                                        Early MSD/Socket Cap,   Socket  MSD31599  MSD31593
                                                                         Wires Under Headers
                 2 In 1 Universal Sets                                  Late MSD/HEI Style Cap,
                                                                         Wires Under Headers  HEI  MSD35599  MSD35593
                 MSD31199                                               Crab Cap/HEI Style Cap,
                 (Red Super Conductor)                                                    HEI   MSD30479      —
                                                                         Wires Under Headers
                 MSD31193                                           Big Block Chevy
                 (Black Super Conductor)                                Early MSD/Socket Cap,   90°  MSD31299  MSD31293
                  Includes terminals for 8-cyl. engines with early- (socket) and   Wires Under Headers
                 late-type (HEI spark plug top) distributor caps. Multi-angle boots   Early MSD/Socket Cap,   Socket  MSD31609  —
                 and terminals are factory installed on one end.         Wires Under Headers
                                                                        Late MSD/HEI Style Cap,
                                                                         Wires Under Headers  HEI  MSD35609  MSD35603
                 2 In 1 Universal Sets                                  Crab Cap/HEI Style Cap,   HEI  MSD30829  —
                                                                         Wires Under Headers
                 (Red Super Conductor)
                                                                    Coil Wires
                 (Black Super Conductor)                             Super Conductor Coil wires endure
                  Set includes terminals for 8-cylinder with early- (socket) and   eight times the use of each plug wire
                 late-type (HEI spark plug top) distributor caps. 90° boots and   and should be replaced often. Ideal
                 terminals are factory installed on one end.        when replacing coils.
                                                                                                Red          Black
                                                                            Description      Super Conductor  Super Conductor
                 Universal Wire Sets                                     8.5mm Super Conductor  MSD84039   MSD84033
                                                                     8.5mm Super Conductor, Blaster Coil  MSD84049  —
                 (Red Super Conductor)
                 MSD31183                                           Replacement Spark Plug                   MSD3301
                 (Black Super Conductor)                            Boots And Terminals
                  For engines with HEI (spark plug type) distributor caps. Multi-
                 angle boots and terminals are installed on one end. 90° distribu-  Description  Part No.   Part No.
                 tor boots and terminals included.                     Multi-Angle Boots And Terminals  MSD3301    —
                                                                      Straight Boots And Terminals, LT1  MSD3302  —
                 Universal Wire Sets                                    90° Boots And Terminals, LT1  MSD3303  —
                                                                       45° Boots And Terminals, LS1  MSD3304  —
                 MSD31229                                              90° MSD Boots And Terminals  MSD3311  MSD8850
                 (Red Super Conductor)                                HEI Style 90° Boots And Terminals  MSD3320  MSD8849
                                                                       90° Socket Boots And Terminals  MSD3321  MSD8851
                  (Black Super Conductor)                             Straight Socket Boots And Terminals  MSD3322  MSD8852
                                                                      Pro Racing 90° Boots And Terminals
                  For engines with HEI (spark plug type) distributor caps (Ford   Pro Racing 115° Boots And Terminals  MSD3326  MSD8853
                 Duraspark or MSD Cap-a-Dapt). 90° spark plug boots are installed   Pro Racing Straight Boots And Terminals  MSD3327  MSD8854
                 and 90° distributor boots and terminals are included.  Short 90° Boots And Terminals    —  MSD8848
                                                                       Blaster 2 Coil Boot And Terminal   MSD3331*   —
                                                                    * (1) boot and (1) terminal.
                 Mini-Stripper-Crimper MSD3503
                  For 8.5mm Super Conductor wire. Used with a       Replacement And Bulk
                 vise and single-edge razor blade. As the vise is   Spark Plug Wire
                 tightened, even pressure gives good, tight crimps.   Replacement Super Conductor spark plug wire is offered in
                                                                    pre-cut 48" lengths and in bulk spools. The 48" wire includes a
                                                                    multi-angle boot and terminal on one end, and a 90° HEI style
                                                                    boot and terminal on the other.
                                                                                                Red          Black
                                                                            Description      Super Conductor  Super Conductor
                                                                        Replacement, 48" Length  MSD34069  MSD34063
                                                                           Bulk, 6' Length    MSD34039     MSD34033
                                                                           Bulk, 25' Length   MSD34019     MSD34013
                                                                          Bulk, 100' Length   MSD34049     MSD34043

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