Page 406 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 406

Pro-Clamp Separators                              Shrink Sleeves With Cylinder Numbers
          MSD8843                                           MSD3415
           Keeps plug wires neat and insu-
          lated from sources of engine heat.
          Snap together separators sandwich                   Shrink sleeves are numbered 1-8 and slide over the spark plug
          wires in place. Two 4-wire, two                   boot for a secure connection.
          3-wire and four 2-wire separators
          are included.
                                                            Spark Guard MSD8804
                                                              A dielectric grease that stops voltage leaks,
          Wire Separators                                   eases boot removal, prevents moisture buildup
           MSD’s Wire Separators keep plug                  inside the spark plug wire boots and protects
          wires away from hot exhaust, and                  against radio (RFI) noise. Simplifies the installa-
          each other, to prevent inductive                  tion of MSD Universal Spark Plug Wire Sets. Will
          crossfire.                                         not dry up or harden and retains its spark isolat-
           Part No.    Description                          ing capabilities indefinitely. Comes in .5 oz. tub.
                    Dual Plug Wire Separators,
                       8-8.5mm Wires
                    Dual Plug Wire Separators,              Pro-Crimp Tool II
                      Wires With Sleeve
                                                              A must for any tool box. Interchange-
                                                            able jaws allow a variety of
          Firewall Feed-Thru                                crimps with one heavy duty
          MSD8211                                           tool. Hardened steel frame
           Rynite and nylon feed-thru that has 1/2" of      features molded hand
          insulation to insure that maximum spark reaches   grips. Tool includes preci-
          the plugs and to prevent voltage leaks from cockpit mounted   sion crimping/stripping
          coils. Mounts in a 1" diameter hole in the firewall.   jaws for MSD spark plug
                                                            wire terminals. Other dies are also offered.
          Shrink Sleeving                                      Part No.        Description
                                                              MSD35051        Pro-Crimp Tool II
          MSD3407                                             MSD3506       Amp Pin Terminal Dies
           May be used to protect electrical                  MSD3507       Amp Lug Terminal Dies
          connections of any kind as well as                  MSD3508       Plug Wire Terminal Dies
          sealing spark plug boots to plug                    MSD3509      Weathertight Terminal Dies
          wires. Simply install the sleeve in                 MSD3510       Deutsch Terminal Dies
          the desired area and apply heat.
          Sold in sets of 18.
                                                            Single Channel Digital Ignition Tester
          Pro-Heat Guard                                    MSD8998
                                                              Test functions of
          MSD3411                                           MSD single channel
           Heat resistant, glass woven                      ignitions, including
          core sleeve is coated with                        the Digital-7 Program-
          silicone rubber to resist abra-                   mable unit. Produces
          sion and temperatures up                          a simulated trigger
          to 1,000°F. Slides over most                      signal that fires the igni-
          plug wire. Sold in 25' rolls.                     tion. A spark plug with a very
                                                            large gap is included for clipping
          Pro-Boot Guard                                    to the coil wire. May also be used to check tachometer and RPM
          MSD3412                                           limiter accuracy. Works with 4, 6 or 8 cylinder engines and simu-
                                                            lates up to 16,000 RPM of operation.
           Thick, fiberglass woven sleeve
          is coated with silicone rubber and
          resists extreme temperatures. Sold                High Pressure Electric Fuel Pump
          in 6' roll.                                       MSD2225
                                                              Roller vane pump can
          Cylinder Markers                                  stand alone in multiport
          MSD3414                                           EFI’s or work as a
                                                            “booster” for nitrous
           Save time and ensure that the                    oxide systems.  It mounts in-line,
          plug wires are installed correctly.               outside of the fuel tank and delivers
          Molded from plastic, they are avail-              43 GPH @ 40 PSI, sufficient fuel flow
          able in 8.5mm size.                               for up to 500 horsepower. Pump has 3/8" inlet and 5/16" outlet
                                                            nipples, includes mounting clamps and hardware.

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