Page 605 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 605

Transmission Service Kits                          PRO-X Overflow Canisters
                 Racing Filter And Pan Gasket                        Lightweight aluminum canister con-
                  Includes a high quality, reusable pan             tains high RPM fluid blow-by, common
                 gasket and high flow oil filter.                     to popular racing automatic transmis-
                                                                    sions, preventing fluid spillage. Compact, black powder coated
                 Racing Overhaul Kit                                unit mounts directly to transmission, while providing sufficient
                  The Racing Overhaul Kit                           ground and header clearance. Sold complete with stainless line
                 includes a complete gasket                         and fittings to connect unit to the transmission vent.
                 and seal set, sealing rings,                          Part No.               Description
                 metal clad seals and reusable                        TCI228005               Turbo 400
                 pan gasket.                                          TCI518005                Ford C-4
                                                                      TCI528206              GM Powerglide
                 Master Racing Overhaul Kit                         Deep Transmission Pans           TCI228000
                  The Master Racing Over-
                 haul Kit includes a complete                        Deep aluminum pans have cool ing fins which
                 gasket and seal set, sealing                       quickly dis si pate heat and provide ex tra strength.
                 rings, metal clad seals, reus-                     No mod i fi ca tions are nec es sary to the stock
                 able pan gasket, filter, clutch                     dip stick. Pans are fitted with a drain plug, fluid
                 plates and steels. Powerglide kit includes band.   pickup ex ten sion, pan bolts/wash ers and re us able
                                                                    Duraprene pan gas ket.
                                                                       Part No.          Application        Capacity
                 Pro Super Kit                                        TCI127900         Torqueflite 904     2 Extra Qts
                  The Pro Super Kit includes                          TCI128000         Torqueflite 727     2 Extra Qts.
                 everything in the Master                             TCI228000           TH-400            2 Extra Qts.
                 Racing Overhaul Kit plus                             TCI328000           TH-350            2 Extra Qts.
                 band(s), modulator (if ap-                           TCI378000          TH-700-R4          2 Extra Qts.
                                                                                          Ford C-6
                 plicable), drain plug kit and                        TCI428000       Ford AOD/AODE/4R70W   2 Extra Qts.
                                                                                                            4 Extra Qts.
                 Trans-Scat shift package to                          TCI518000           Ford C-4          1 Extra Qt
                 convert the transmission to a manual/automatic mode.
                                Racing Filter   Racing   Master     Full Manual Valve Bodies    TCI321000
                                 And Pan   Overhaul   Racing   Pro
                     Description  Gasket   Kit  Overhaul Kit  Super Kit  A manual valve body eliminates all of the
                 Chrysler                                           automatic features for firm, harsh upshifts.
                    Torqueflite 727,                                A necessity for competitive drag cars. Not
                   1971-Up, 24-Spline  TCI128500  —  TCI149300  —   recommended for street use.
                     C-4, 1970-Up  —       —     TCI529500  TCI528900  Part No.          Application       Shift Pattern
                     C-6, 1977-Up  —       —       —     TCI448900    TCI121700     Torqueflite 727 & 904, 1967-Up  Reverse
                 General Motors                                       TCI321000          Turbo 350          Standard
                     Powerglide,                TCI749000/            TCI321100          Turbo 350          Reverse
                      1962-Up    TCI628500  TCI628800  TCI749015*  —  TCI376010         Turbo 700-R4        Reverse
                      TH-350,    TCI328500  TCI328600  TCI329000/  TCI328800  TCI421000  Ford C-6 1967 And Later  Reverse
                      1968-Up                   TCI329015*            TCI744200      Powerglide 1962 And Later  Standard
                      TH-400,                   TCI259000/
                      1966-Up    TCI228500  TCI228600  TCI259015*  TCI228800  Trans-Brake Valve Bod ies
                     TH-700-R4,    —       —    TCI379100 †  TCI378900
                   1986-93, 30-Spline                                TCI trans-brake valve bodies are com-
                    4L60E, 1993-06  —      —    TCI379110 †  —      plete units with bolt-on valve body and
                 * Signifies ultimate master racing overhaul kit with upgrade clutches and steels  so le noid. Valve bodies are re verse shift
                 † Band included.                                   pat tern except Powerglide, which has
                                                                    standard shift pattern.
                                                                       Part No.               Description
                 Performance                                          TCI321500                Turbo 350
                 Trans mis sion Cool ers                              TCI421500            Ford C-6 1969 And Later
                  Designed specifically for rac-                       TCI748200          Powerglide (Standard Pattern)
                 ing, cool ers promote ef fi cient
                 flow, heat dissipation and easy
                 mounting. Strong, black pow-                       Trans-Brake Solenoids
                 der coated aluminum cooler                          Replacement solenoids are offered for
                 will stand up to any rac ing needs                 most popular applications.
                 and can also be used for street or towing. Cool ers include -6AN   Part No.  Description
                 steel braided line and fittings.                      TCI221300            TH-400, For TCI221500
                   Part No.               Description                 TCI221301            TH-350, For TCI321500
                  TCI823200       Cooler (3/4" x 5" x 12") With Mounting Kit  TCI749800  Powerglide, All Trans-Brakes With .200" Stroke
                  TCI823500     Cooler (3/4" x 7-1/2" x 15-1/2") With Mounting Kit
                  TCI823800     Cooler (3/4" x 10" x 15-1/2") With Mounting Kit

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