Page 57 - Business Building Guide
P. 57


          The third grade is therapeutic (point to the purple section).    Explain: How to Use dōTERRA Essential Oils
          You would think oils labeled "therapeutic" would be better quality.   There are three main ways to use essential oils: aromatic, topical,
          The problem with this category is therapeutic products are not   and internal (point to each as you mention them). You already
          well regulated. They are mainly employed for massage, aroma,   experienced at least one of these as we passed the oils
          or cosmetic use and have a low standard to pass to qualify for   around. With each, I’ll give you the top one or two reasons
          this category. This still leaves room for fillers, synthetics, and   for that method.
          other contaminants to enter the picture. When it comes to your   With aromatic use (point to handout), the two main reasons
          health, purity matters, and this grade is still questionable.
                                                               for this method are to clear the air, whether in you or around you,
          The dōTERRA founders saw a huge gap in the marketplace for   and affect mood. Through a process called olfaction, which is
          pure oils. For these reasons, dōTERRA made it their mission to   a fancy way to say smell, oil molecules pass right into the limbic
          pursue what’s pure and produce the best essential oils on the   system in as little as 30 seconds. You had a chance to experience
          market. They set a new and unprecedented standard called   these fast-acting benefits moments ago when you tried Wild
          CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade  (point to yellow section   Orange and Peppermint. Some of my favorite ways to create an
          of the pie chart). Every batch must pass stringent inhouse and   aromatic experience are to breathe an oil straight from the bottle,
          third party testing to guarantee that no foreign contaminants   inhale from my palms, spray into the air, wear as a perfume,
          or fillers exist, a standard that exceeds organic labeling   or use in a diffuser.
          requirements. dōTERRA uses the FDA GRAS list as well as other   Point to your diffuser running during the class and share what
          criteria to ensure that many of their oils can be used for internal   you are diffusing and why. You could also invite someone to
          use. On every bottle of dōTERRA oil approved for internal use,    share a quick story about diffusing oils. Reward the one who
          you will see this Supplement Facts box (show a bottle with    answered with a sample; share how it can be used.
          a Supplement Facts label).
                                                               The second way to use oils is topical. This means applying oils
          Here’s the thing, purity impacts potency. Potency relates to how   directly on the skin. For example, using Deep Blue  (pass around
          effective an oil is. Where the plant grows, how it’s harvested,    Deep Blue  and/or PastTense  and invite to apply to an
          and how it is distilled impacts its chemistry and consistency.   area of need) on tired muscles to relieve or soothe. I like to use
          When you use an oil, you want it to work the same way every   oils on the bottom of the feet. When it comes to the little ones
          single time. The better the quality, the better the oils work with   or those with sensitive skin or health issues, dilute the oils with
          and for your body.
                                                               Fractionated Coconut Oil (show bottle).
          In summary, know this, any use of an oil is systemic. Whether
          synthetic or pure, aromas/scents get IN you. This is the great gift
          of pure oils and the reason to avoid synthetics. I am here to teach
          you how to use only PURE oils; otherwise, the things we will talk
          about next won’t apply.

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