Page 8 - Introduction
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Don’t leave it to chance, get it right first time, if you think it’s expensive to hire a
professional wait to you count the costs of hiring a amateur.
Contact us on Skype/Phone: +44 (0) 161 8188974, Mobile: +44 (0) 7488298027,
Mixers & Flow Inducers
Throughout the sewage treatment process there is a requirement for mixers/flow inductors,
weather it is mixing the raw and returned activated sludge in the inlet chamber or generating a flow
in the activated sludge tanks.
Small blade mixers are often used in the sludge tanks to keep
solids in suspension and to mix raw sludge and return
activated sludge. Often available with a versatile mounting
bracket for a hanging installation from the top of the chamber.
The Hyperclassic mixer is an effective solution to
many of the problems experienced with the traditional
horizontal submersible mixer, they are very efficient
and good mixers, good in your anoxic, sludge, SBR
and flocculation tanks, no need to drain down as they
can be suspended from a bridge.
Flow inducers are normally used in the
aeriation lanes to help generate a flow through
the process.
The Cyberflow flow inducer is a very efficient design, claimed to be
the most efficient on the market, it employees the pull appose to
the push design for generating maximum flow this design and
installation method has been proven in aviation how many planes
have you seen with the propeller on the back of the wing? They are
normally slow running with 2 blade propellers up to 3 metres in
diameter, installed on guide rail lowering systems they can be raised/lower
for maintenance.
That’s what we do, we can take help you with your design and selecting the right mixer/flow
inducer for the right job.