Page 10 - July 2018 inLeague with Conference Program
P. 10
Monday, July 16, 2018
All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
Transforming Patrons to Evangelists: A Building Fundraising Muscle and
Case Study & Hands-on Customer Journey Implementing Successful Capital
Mapping Workshop Campaigns
(Capitol View Terrace North) (Creekside II, 2nd Floor)
Historic theatres are dependent upon the continual Often theatre volunteers and staff have little or
engagement of core constituents as a baseline for no capital campaign fundraising experience. This
managing year-over-year success. Strategically workshop will start with pre-campaign planning, move
increasing the customer base is massively important into the board campaign and Leadership Gifts, and
to the ongoing growth of any theatre operation. finish with the Public Campaign! Faculty will share
Yet, executive marketing and development examples from several historic theatres to show board
professionals are not always clear on who that core and staff members best practices and strategies for
audience is, and rely on macro-based digital and implementing successful capital campaigns.
analog communication initiatives that are not fully Presenters: Halsey North, Chairman, and Alice North,
reaching future audiences and, therefore, limiting President, The North Group Inc., New York, NY; and
growth opportunity and future financial impact. Susan Palmer, Principal, The Palmer Westport Group,
Enter the Customer Journey Mapping program, an Santa Fe, NM
initiative that deploys a focused and targeted high-
touch, interactive strategy to manage a patron’s
movement to a higher level of engagement. Initiating Maximizing Movies for Historic Theatres --
a Customer Journey Mapping strategy will open a Fulfilling Mission, Creating Magic
better understanding of a theatre’s target audience, (Capitol View Terrace South)
and provide an opportunity to create highly focused
communication and touch initiatives that deliver
proven business results that are known to decrease Many historic theatres incorporate cinema as part of
churn, and increase customer satisfaction, retention, their programming mix, some still operate exclusively
and overall revenue by as much as 77%. This session as cinemas. This session will address topics of interest
will introduce a real-time customer journey case study to theatre managers either currently showing movies
from the Historic Music Hall in Portsmouth, NH, followed or contemplating adding them as part of their
by a hands-on workshop to illuminate the customer programming mix. Areas to be discussed will include:
journey mapping program for all participants, opening film as part of the programming mix – first-run, art,
the door to a marketing and communication strategy indie, repertory; film as a core cultural program;
that fundamentally shifts the approach on managing differentiating your theatre from the Barca-lounger
patron relationships. The session will introduce tools multiplex; themed or event programming; festivals;
and techniques to assist theatres in transforming core presentation; food & drink; and marketing of specialty
patron relationships into long-term invested evangelists film and event-related programming. In short, what
for historic theatre operations across the country. are the tools and strategies we need for specialty film
exhibition in the age of IMAX, streaming and multiple
Presenters: Robert Friend, Vice President of Business platforms? Can we fulfill mission, create magic and
Development & Consulting, PatronManager, New be competitive all at the same time? A panel of
York, NY; Tina Sawtelle, Chief Financial Officer, The experts in the field will discuss their approach to film
Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH; and Kevin Patterson, Senior programming and how it serves the mission of the
Account Executive, PatronManager, Carmel, IN theatre and how they compete in their community.
Panelists will represent both nonprofit and for-profit
points of view as well as full-time and part-time
2018 EDUCATION PROGRAMS cinema programming.
Presenters: Paul Beutel, moderator, former Executive
Official Director of Paramount Theatre, Austin, TX; Russ
Conference Collins, Executive Director & CEO, Michigan Theater
Education Foundation, Ann Arbor, MI; Stephen Jannise, Film
Sponsor Programmer, Paramount and State Theatres of Austin,
TX; Henri Mazza, Vice President of Partnerships and
Events, Alamo Drafthouse, Austin, TX; and Stephanie
Silverman, Executive Director, Belcourt Theatre,
Nashville, TN; Barak Epstein, President, Aviation
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