Page 12 - July 2018 inLeague with Conference Program
P. 12

Monday, July 16, 2018

                                     All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
                                          on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
        12:30pm - 1:45pm                                       community morale and makes people proud of their
        lunCh on your own                                      city and the history it has endured.
                                                               Presenters: Terry Stewart, Chairman and CEO, El
                                                               Dorado Festivals & Events, El Dorado, AR; and Brant
        2:00pm - 3:15pm
        tools & teChniques segment 2                           Miller, RA, LEED AP, Senior Associate, DLR Group |
        (Please note: Six concurrent sessions, all presented only once)  Westlake Reed Leskosky, Cleveland, OH
        Sponsored by:
                                                                         Recreating and Replacing Historical Textiles
                                                                         Found in Theatrical Venues
                                                                         (Creekside II, 2nd Floor)

                  A Former Oil Boomtown Goes MAD for the       The most prominent visual element of any theatre
                  Arts                                         is the main curtain and proscenium decoration.
                  (Capitol View Terrace North)                 The renovation of older venues often requires the
                                                               replacement of such textiles that were constructed
                                                               decades earlier, using materials and techniques no
        This session will discuss how, through the renovation   longer available. Tom Sullivan, Director of Special
        and adaptive reuse of six historic structures, including   Projects at Rose Brand, will share his expertise and
        the historic Rialto Theatre, a rural hub town of 18,500   experience solving this vexing restoration challenge:
        is getting its groove back. The once thriving oil      how to replace historical textiles without sacrificing the
        boomtown of El Dorado, Arkansas, has a rich history,   original design intention. From case studies of relevant
        unique architecture, and a well-established arts       projects, Sullivan will illustrate the solutions available to
        and entertainment community. The town is a major       architects, theatre owners and restoration managers
        urban center for the surrounding eight counties and    seeking to replace these gorgeous yet rotting drapery
        is the home to several corporate headquarters, yet     and fabric constructions. Special emphasis will be
        community leaders noticed residents leaving town to    placed on recreating traditional textile designs
        find quality culture and entertainment. In an effort to   and decorative elements using materials that meet
        attract employees to the business district, revitalize   modern fire codes and rigging requirements.
        the economy, and slow population decline, the          Presenter: Tom Sullivan, Director of Special Projects,
        city worked with the El Dorado Festival and Events     Rose Brand, Secaucus, NJ
        and other local arts organizations to connect and
        leverage several existing cultural assets through
        new construction and historic renovation. The new                Will Work for Boos: Monetizing & Marketing
        Murphy Arts District (MAD) provides a multi-venue,               Your Theatre Ghosts
        multi-purpose anchor and regional draw to satisfy the            (Capitol View Terrace South)
        local community’s needs and desires for culture and
        entertainment. This session will discuss how, through
        adaptive re-use, the unique identity of El Dorado is   In 2017, Americans spent a record $9.1 billion (with
        preserved while creating a regional draw and anchor    a B) on Halloween. Market share for horror movies
        to stimulate economic revitalization. In creating the   more than doubled. Season 2 of Stranger Things drew
        Murphy Arts District, the city maintains the historic   15 million viewers in three days, and a slew of new
        streetscape and restores pedestrian connections.       paranormal shows – from Haunted Towns to Kindred
        The project will attract new residents and retain the   Spirits – debuted on cable. But the tradition of telling
        existing population, all while creating an inviting    stories of the spirit world dates back nearly as far
        environment for new attractions, retail, lodging, and   as the spoken word itself, and those stories almost
        restaurants to move in. Most importantly, MAD boosts   inevitably highlight the history of the place from which

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