Page 15 - July 2018 inLeague with Conference Program
P. 15

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

                                     All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
                                          on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
        7:30am - 3:30pm                                        facilities, being (and remaining) a vital part of the
        ConferenCe registration                                community often means providing a broad range of
        (Capitol Ballroom Foyer)                               arts, cultural, entertainment, and civic opportunities
                                                               and services that extend beyond the walls of the
                                                               venue itself. For historic theatre organizations, primarily
        7:30am - 8:45am                                        associated with their physical building, this may not
        eye opener Breakfast: peer DisCussions & networking    always be top of mind; however, changing customer
        (Capitol Ballroom E-H)                                 behavior, increased competition, and changing
                                                               community stakeholder expectations make it
                                                               important to think about taking on a more engaged
        9:00am - 10:15am
        tools & teChniques segment 3a                          leadership role in the community in order to remain
        (Please note: Six concurrent sessions, all will repeat after a   successful. Panelists will share recent unique programs
        30-minute break)                                       they have offered in their communities and, through
        Sponsored by:                                          facilitated discussion, attendees will be able to share
                                                               ideas, challenges, and success stories. Participants will
                                                               take away strategies for engaging in programming,
                                                               outreach, partnerships, and community leadership
                  Ask a Millennial!                            beyond the building to help their organizations play an
                  (Capitol Ballroom C)                         even more relevant and active role in the community,
                                                               to better compete in the market for patrons and
                                                               philanthropic dollars, and to better provide public
        Organizations spend a lot of time talking about        Presenters: Danielle Boyke, Facilitator, Senior Project
        Millennials. Now you can talk directly to them.        Manager, AMS Planning & Research, Southport, CT;
        Following a presentation by Xennial Nick Begley, this   Molly Fortune, Executive Director, Newberry Opera
        session opens up into a lively, interactive discussion   House, Newberry, SC; Dan Sheehan, Operations
        with a group of today’s most elusive and sought-       Director, Proctors, Universal Preservation Hall, and
        after generation of live entertainment consumers.      theRep, Schenectady, NY; and Roy Blackwood,
        Attendees will hear from and speak to avid Millennial   Executive Director, Southeastern Louisiana University /
        live event enthusiasts. Panelists will delve into topics   Columbia Theatre, Hammond, LA
        including how to entice them to your theatre, the
        types of advertisements that resonate, social media
        promotions, offers they love, memberships versus                 Demystifying Memberships: Revealing
        unique subscription packages, how to turn them into              Secrets to Managing a Successful
        lifelong supporters and more.                                    Membership Program
        Presenter: Nick Begley, moderator, Senior Marketing              (Creekside II, 2nd Floor)
        Manager, AudienceView, Toronto, ON; Safiatou           In today’s competitive cinema environment, it’s
        Soumana and Jordania Nelson, Digital Marketing         critical that theatre operators understand their patrons
        Specialist, Envision Creative, Austin, TX              and develop opportunities for patrons to connect with
                                                               the theatre on a deeper level. But how do successful
                  Thinking Outside of ‘The Box:’ Engaging with   theatres do it? We’ve surveyed ten highly successful
                  the Community Beyond the Walls of your       theatre membership managers across North America
                  Venue                                        and discovered the secrets to starting, marketing,
                  (Capitol View Terrace South)                 and managing an effective membership program
                                                               that goes beyond just maintaining a database. What
        For today’s performing arts and entertainment          are the key ingredients to developing a membership
                                                               that makes sense to your patrons? Should donor
                 2018 EDUCATION PROGRAMS                       opportunities and memberships be separate or one in
                                                               the same? What role does having benefits embedded
                                        Official               in your membership play when it comes to patrons
                                        Conference             considering joining your membership? What marketing
                                        Education              techniques should your theatre practice to ensure
                                        Sponsor                new members are harvested and existing members
                                                               are staying engaged?

                                                  42nd National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2018   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 13
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