Page 13 - July 2018 inLeague with Conference Program
P. 13
Monday, July 16, 2018
All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
they originate. As historic theatre operators, we are Presenters: Mary Ellen Butler, Artistic Director, and
masters at the art of balancing engaging, relevant Arturo Rodriguez, Board President, Georgetown
entertainment within the context of institution and Palace Theatre, Georgetown, TX
antiquity. And nothing equals trending + tradition
quite like a ghost tour! In this session, attendees will Using Data-Driven Decision Making for
learn how Tampa Theatre earned its reputation as Improved Customer Experience
“one of the most haunted buildings in Tampa”. Learn (Tannehill, 4th Floor)
from their “Ghost Host” how the 1926 movie palace
partnered with local paranormal investigators to
package its ghost stories into sellout tours, late night When developing a strategy to improve the customer
paranormal experiences, and plenty of press. No experience, managers often only have their own
ghosts? No problem! EVERY historic venue has stories, perceptions and anecdotal information to guide
and sometimes all it takes is some smoke and mirrors them. But what happens when you have real data
to bring them to life. Learn from one of the haunted to guide decision making affecting the customer
attraction industry’s top creative minds how you can experience? There is clarity in customer perception,
use theatrical elements to create an experience expectation, and priority, and these insights are a
that draws from the building’s history to fictionalize paradigm for influencing real change in the customer
a spooktacular backstory. Learn how to collect and experience. The customer experience plays a
corroborate your theatre’s spirited stories, who the critical role in the overall success of a theatre - from
best storyteller will be your organization, and why ticket sales, to social media chatter, to donations.
partnering with the right experts will make your (after) This presentation will demonstrate how using data
life so much easier. can help to form strategies that are effective and
Presenters: Jill Witecki, Director of Marketing and prioritized for a maximum use of resources. The
Community Relations, Tampa Theatre, Tampa, FL, information will be presented through a case study
and Scott Swenson, Founder, Scott Swenson Creative presentation of the Tennessee Theatre’s use of patron
Development, LLC, Tampa, FL surveys for data collection and the ways in which
we have utilized this information to address issues or
form strategies to improve our customer experience.
Zero to Two Million in 15 years: You Can The expected outcomes of this session are: an
Survive a Capital Campaign understanding of how to mine data for customer
(Creekside I, 2nd Floor) experience issues, an understanding of how prioritizing
feedback can maximize resources, an understanding
We previously presented “Zero to a Million” during the of how customer experience affects overall success of
LHAT conference in New York. The Palace Theatre the theatre, and why paying attention is important.
in Georgetown, TX has currently grown to a budget Presenter: Lila Honaker, Director of Marketing &
of over $2 million and we are in the final stages of Outreach, Historic Tennessee Theatre, Knoxville, TN
a capital campaign to build a $4 million education
center in Georgetown. This presentation will address
the development of community financial support of 3:30pm - 6:00pm
a local historic theatre, including: how to develop serviCe proviDers eXpo & reCeption
community support through a solid stewardship (Capitol Ballroom)
program and production excellence; when and See Details on Page 12
how to determine if your organization is ready for a
capital campaign; and how to handle the loss of
operational donations as they are given to the capital 6:00pm
campaign instead. Attendees will leave with a better evening on your own
understanding of the relevant issues historic theatres
face while growing a base of patron support; how to 2018 EDUCATION PROGRAMS
set realistic goals to bring positive cash flow to your
theatre; the various indicators that inform a theatre’s Official
management staff and board what is necessary to Conference
support a successful capital campaign; fiduciary Education
pitfalls organization might encounter; and how to Sponsor
measure for success.
42nd National Conference & Theatre Tour July 2018 INLEAGUE | PAGE 11