Page 11 - July 2018 inLeague with Conference Program
P. 11

Monday, July 16, 2018

                                     All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
                                          on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
        Cinemas / The Texas Theatre, Dallas, TX                10:45am - 11:15am
                                                               networking refreshment Break
                  The Importance of Coordination and           (Capitol Ballroom Foyer)
                  Cooperation Between Development and          Sponsored by:
                  (Creekside I, 2nd Floor)

        Coordination: the process where different elements     11:15am - 12:30pm
        of a complex body communicate openly, so as
        to enable them to work together more efficiently,
        and the ability to fuse together different parts of an   tools & teChniques segment 1B
        organization smoothly and effectively. Cooperation:    (Please note: Six concurrent sessions, all repeated from before
        the process where groups of organisms work and
        act together for common or mutual benefits.            Sponsored by:
        Nowhere are these two concepts more important
        than in the offices of a historic theatre, where so
        many moving parts and constantly changing tasks,
        priorities and deadlines are the norm. This session              Rust Belt, Rural and Vibrant - The
        focuses on the value and importance of coordination              Rejuvenation of the 135-Year-Old Struthers
        between fundraising and marketing staff, and how                 Library Theatre
        a cooperative, collegial environment will strengthen             (Bickler, 4th Floor)
        both functions of your theatre. Everyone in the
        theatre world would likely agree that every staff
        member has a seemingly endless to-do list. We all                Yes You CAN: An Access Model in the
        face looming deadlines and competing priorities. This            Garden State
        is especially true for fundraising and marketing staff.          (Tannehill, 4th Floor)
        And in smaller theatres, that may even be the same
        staff person! This session will show how taking time to
        coordinate between these two functions can actually              Transforming Patrons to Evangelists: A
        save time, enhance productivity and even help                    Case Study & Hands-on Customer Journey
        management with staff retention. A panel consisting              Mapping Workshop
        of two seasoned fundraising professionals and two                (Capitol View Terrace North)
        experienced marketing professionals will present
        their “top ten” list of reasons why cooperation and
        coordination between development and marketing                   Building Fundraising Muscle and
        is critically important to a theatre, along with a               Implementing Successful Capital
        discussion of some recent scholarly publications that            Campaigns
        highlight how cooperation will grow and become                   (Creekside II, 2nd Floor)
        a part of the organizational culture if practiced
        regularly. Next, each panelist will give 3-5 minutes             Maximizing Movies for Historic Theatres --
        of remarks focusing on their own experiences and                 Fulfilling Mission, Creating Magic
        success stories. Finally, the session will become a              (Capitol View Terrace South)
        dialogue between the panelists and the audience, as
        the moderator fields questions from participants. The
        session is designed to present the subject matter in a
        light-hearted and humorous fashion, and to be a true             The Importance of Coordination and
        give and take between the four panelists, and, in turn,          Cooperation Between Development and
        between the panel and the audience.                              Marketing
        Presenters: Diana Gordon, CFRE, moderator, President,            (Creekside I, 2nd Floor)
        and Mallory Rine, Marketing Manager, Orpheum
        Performing Arts Centre, Wichita, KS; Becky Hancock,
        Executive Director, and Lila Honaker, Director of
        Marketing & Outreach, Historic Tennessee Theatre
        Foundation, Knoxville, TN

                                                    42nd National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2018   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 9
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