Page 17 - July 2018 inLeague with Conference Program
P. 17

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

                                     All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
                                          on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
                  Breaking Barriers: Diversity in Arts Leadership   the assembly code and how it may be applied to their
                  and Programming                              theatre renovation, and strategies for addressing the
                  (Creekside I, 2nd Floor)                     seating-related regulations within the context of their
                                                               existing architecture. Very often original chair widths
                                                               and row spacing are uncomfortable for modern
                                                               audiences, and the aisle widths and ADA accessibility
                  Impact and Equity: Historic Theatres and     do not meet current code.  The challenge for theatre
                  Two Collective Impact Initiative Models      operators (and their design teams) is to increase
                  (Capitol View Terrace North)
                                                               comfort and satisfy code while also respecting the
                                                               historic character of the venue and maintaining as
                                                               many seats as possible.  Presenters will share photos
                  How to Manage Your Theatre’s Risk            and drawings from several historic renovation projects
                  (Capitol Ballroom A-B)                       to show how modern standards can be integrated
                                                               with the existing architecture and encourage
                                                               questions and discussion from the attendees regarding
                                                               their own venues.

        12:15pm - 12:45pm                                      Presenters: Michael DiBlasi, Partner, and Michael
        networking lunCh                                       Burgoyne, Partner, Schuler Shook, Minneapolis, MN;
        (Capitol Ballroom E-H)                                 and John Bell, President & CEO, Tampa Theatre,
                                                               Tampa, FL

        12:45pm - 1:45pm
        lhat 2018 annual memBership meeting                              Federal and State Historic Tax Credits and
        (Capitol Ballroom E-H)                                           Other Creative Financing Opportunities
                                                                         (After the 2017 Tax Reform Act) to Help You
                                                                         Pay for Your Theatre Rehab
        2:00pm - 3:15pm                                                  (Capitol View Terrace South)
        tools & teChniques segment 4
        (Please note: Six concurrent sessions, all presented only once)  This session will provide education about federal and
                                                               state historic tax credits (“HTCs”), federal and state
                  Reducing the Risk: Minimizing Fraud in the   new markets tax credits (“NMTCs”), and maybe other
                  Box Office and Online                        economic development incentive opportunities
                  (Capitol Ballroom C)                         that may exist for theatres to help them finance a
                                                               rehabilitation, especially after the 2017 Tax Reform Act.
                                                               The panelists will describe the technical requirements
        There has been an explosion of fraud in recent years   and various structures related to HTCs and NMTCs and
        - and not just in large theatres and national tours.    discuss current market pricing, transaction costs and
        Scammers are using stolen credit card information to   reasonably expected net benefits.  They will blend in
        purchase tickets and resell them online.  Many box     “real life” examples from past and current HTC/ NMTC
        office managers are unaware of this practice and       historic theatre transactions.
        even fewer are ready for these situations when they
        occur.  This session will provide an overview of current   Presenters: Alex Szilvas, Partner, and Christina
        fraud trends and what to do when fraud occurs.         Novotny, Counsel, Baker & Hostetler LLP, Cleveland,
                                                               OH; Darlene Smolik, Plymouth Soundings, LLC, Loudon,
        Presenter: Mandi Grimm, Director of Training, Etix,    TN; and Randy McKay, Executive Director, Jefferson
        Morrisville, NC                                        Live!, (Cascade & Holly Theatres), Medford, OR

                  Seating and Accessibility Strategies for Your
                  Historic Theatre Renovation                           2018 EDUCATION PROGRAMS
                  (Capitol View Terrace North)
        This presentation will address the unique challenges of                                Conference
        applying the current building code and accessibility                                   Education
        regulations to auditorium seating within historic                                      Sponsor
        venues. Attendees will gain a better understanding of
                                                  42nd National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2018   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 15
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