Page 19 - July 2018 inLeague with Conference Program
P. 19
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
ticket transaction data with on-site patron data agency includes Southwest Airlines, BMW, Walmart,
– acquired via wifi, social check-ins, pixels and PGA Tour, Jos. A. Banks, and Molson Coors Brewing
native apps – your venue can employ applications Company.
in audience mining, local cross-promotion, and In addition to his many operational contributions,
ancillary data monetization that lead to richer Duff has long served as a cultural leader. He helped
patron data, deeper relationships, and more define and articulate the agency’s core values:
effective marketing opportunities. Attendees integrity, curiosity, restlessness, community, freedom
will learn how: knowing more than a patron’s zip & responsibility and winning. These values are
code – demographic breakdowns combined with carved into the floor of the agency’s headquarters
social preference and interest data -- is essential building—a massive construction project that Duff
for audience mining and lucrative data-based led as part of the revitalization of the western edge of
revenue streams; how to think outside the seat, Austin’s downtown.
how concessions, parking, Instagram pics -- every
piece of information -- helps you learn more Within the Austin community, Duff is president of the
about your audience and their preferences; how board of directors for the Austin Theatre Alliance, past
sharing is caring and it pays the bills – your clients president and current board member of Songwriting
and fellow luxury brands want and need robust with Soldiers, and has lent his time and talents to
data and behavioral information; become your causes like the Anti-Defamation League and the
industry’s supplier. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. He is also
Presenter: Sarah Hutton, Director of Sales, Choice active in local, state and national politics.
Entertainment Technologies, Boulder, CO Duff began his career in commercial real estate after
graduating from The University of Texas at Austin with a
degree in economics.
3:30pm - 4:15pm Of the many opportunities that GSD&M has offered
networking reCeption him, none compare with meeting and marrying his
(Capitol Ballroom Foyer)
wife Liz and raising their three children.
4:15pm - 5:00pm Evening
2018 keynote aDDress By speCial guest: Duff stewart
(Capitol Ballroom E-H) on your own
Sponsored by:
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
7:30am - 8:45am
Duff Stewart is a 27-year veteran of ConferenCe registration
GSD&M Idea City LLC. As CEO, he (Capitol Ballroom Foyer)
ensures the agency has the right
people, resources and perspective
to fulfill its purpose of doing 7:30am - 8:45am
whatever it takes to build clients’ eye opener Breakfast: peer DisCussions & networking
businesses. Through purpose-based (Capitol Ballroom E-H)
branding, GSD&M helps articulate
and activate its client’s core purpose and creates 9:00am - 9:15am
simple yet powerful ideas that make a difference. BoarD Buses for the paramount theatre
Prior to becoming CEO, Duff held many other agency (Front of hotel at 11th Street entrance, just before the
roles, including president, COO, head of strategy hotel drive entrance)
and HR, and finally head of account service where
was a three-time Effie Award–winning group account
director for clients including Fannie Mae, the Fannie 9:30am - 12:00pm
Mae Foundation, United Health Care and the United paramount & state theatres tours anD Case stuDy
Health Foundation. His other brand experience at the (Paramount Theatre)
42nd National Conference & Theatre Tour July 2018 INLEAGUE | PAGE 17