Page 18 - July 2018 inLeague with Conference Program
P. 18

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

                                     All events at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol
                                          on the Lobby Level unless otherwise noted
                  The Melba Theater Hosts ‘A Very Melba                 2018 EDUCATION PROGRAMS
                  Christmas’ with Tremendous Success
                  (Creekside I, 2nd Floor)                                                     Official
        The Melba Theater is located in Batesville, AR, which                                  Education
        has a population of 10,200. In December 2017, we                                       Sponsor
        brought 20,000 people into our 400-seat theatre to
        see free classic Christmas movies. People are looking   face; how to look at what still holds women back from
        for a movie experience to remember. We figured out     leadership roles– fear, work/life balance and insecurity
        that, when you create a sense of community, people     -- and how both men and women can combat them
        come back for more. When people clap at the end        in a positive way; and how to deal with sexism and
        of the movie, you know you’ve done something right.    gender bias in a professional setting.
        People are also looking for something different. We
        added snow machines to the exterior of the Melba.      Presenter: Lynne King Smith, CEO, TicketForce, Mesa,
        People were in awe as they exited the theatre to       AZ
        find snow falling around the neon marquee. We
        also have Christmas sing-alongs before each movie.               “Two-for-One” Marketing Session
        During this session, we’ll show a five-minute video that         (Creekside II, 2nd Floor)
        outlines the success of the series and share how it              (Each of these two sessions will only be 30 mins
        was planned, how we fundraised, how social media                 long; the second session will begin immediately
        played a key role (and what platforms were used),                after the first with no break; there will be a joint
        and how involving the community made it a series           Q&A period at the end.)
        that was on the front page of every local newspaper.               1st Half: Maximizing your Customer
        Through a mix of handouts and visual presentations,                Journey: Before, During and After
        the audience will not only leave inspired to host a free
        Christmas movie series, they will also see the financial
        benefit, including how it plays in their favor at the      While each customer’s journey may not directly
        concession stand.                                          mirror another’s, there are consistent components
        Presenters:  Mandi Curtwright, Co-Owner, Adam              to how your customers first discover you, then
        Curtwright, Co-Owner, Joe Shell, Co-Owner, and             interact, and continue their relationship with
        Janelle Shell, Co-Owner, Melba Theater, Batesville, AR     your organization. This session will be a workshop
                                                                   focused on what you can do to optimize your
                                                                   customer touchpoints. During the session, we’ll
                  Women Who Wow – How to Create,                   map out points of interaction that your customers
                  Encourage or Be a Leader Who Sees Beyond         most often have with your brand. At the end, you’ll
                  Gender                                           be armed with a document that you can use
                  (Capitol Ballroom A-B)                           to impact these touchpoints and maximize your
        With ten thousand cracks in the glass ceiling and          message at each one in order to increase ticket
        increasing opportunities for women in our industry to      sales, loyalty and donations.
        lead, the battlefield is sometimes less from the outside   Presenter: Kenneth Foster, Account Executive,
        and more inside of our minds and mindsets.  With           Spektrix, New York, NY
        more opportunities and the ease of access for some,
        what is holding women back?  Drawing on a 20-plus                  2nd Half:  Who’s Sitting in Your Seats?
        year career in the ticketing business, Lynne King Smith            Leveraging Data in Historic Theatres
        invites LHAT attendees to join her for a frank, open,
        and honest conversation about what both women
        AND men can do to work together to encourage               Most theatres only know one-third of the audience
        and tap into leadership opportunities; discuss the         members sitting in their seats. The other two-thirds
        roadblocks that still exist for women; and deal            -- or the non-ticket buyers -- remain a mystery. New
        responsibly with sexism and other gender bias issues       in-venue engagement technologies are changing
        that continue to arise.  Attendees will leave with these   the house map by de-anonymizing audience
        takeaways: how to examine the unique challenges            members and providing a full, 360-degree view of
        and opportunities women in our industry and beyond         who sits in your seats on any given night. By linking

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