P. 24
Category : Deities: Science and Worship
Shri Ganapati
A Holy text that enhances devotion unto
Shrī Ga esh by elucidating the science in ṇ His worship
Shrī Ganạ pati Shri Ganapati is a Deity who has various
functions. For example, He translates the
language of light, which is the language of
Deities into sound, which is the language of
humans. This book gives detailed information
on various aspects of Shri Ganapati such as the
implied meaning of His Names, His
pervasiveness, missions and special features.
Questions about the worship of Shri Ganapati
are also answered.
Compilers : H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale and Pūjya Sandeep Alshi
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Holy text series that enhances devotion unto Deities : Shrī Ganạ pati - Vol.1
50.90 lakh copies of 191 texts in 11 languages published till Oct. 2012
120 g 100 Pages
Category : Ritualistic Worship (Karmakanda)
Importance of the Substances Divine Knowledge obtained by God’s grace ! Individual preparation required
Rare knowledge obtained by Divine grace!
Rare knowledge obtained by Divine grace!
What do Dharmashāstrās say and why ?
used in Ritualistic Worship before ritualistic worship
What do Dharmashastras say and why?
What is the Importance of the Individual preparation required
Ritualistic worship helps in developing spiritual Preparing properly for ritualistic worship helps
Substances used in Ritualistic Worship?
before ritualistic worship
emotion for God. It is also a way to begin the worship to become more effective.
What is the science underlying the spiritual practice if one is not inclined to mental When one worships Preparing oneself properly helps to increase the
placement of substances in a ritualistic platter? as per the science of
forms of worship. Substances recommended for spiritual purity in one and this makes it easier to
Why should flower buds not be plucked after sunset? Spirituality, Bhakti, Bhāv
Why should unbroken rice grains be used as Akshata? ritualistic worship attract different principles of and Ānand are enhanced. develop spiritual emotion. One is also better
Why is white betel-nut preferred over red betel-nut?
God, making worship more effective and Tilak : Imbibing divinity able to imbibe God’s energy, which is attracted
Why is milk or gandh used when making a cotton vastra?
beneficial. This is a good book for a person Sāttvik ornaments : Receiving Chaitanya by the worship. In-depth information is given
interested in starting ritualistic worship or Sāttvik clothes : Protection from negative energies about why and how each of these actions
looking to improve their current worship. Bathing : Destroying the covering of Raja-Tama around the body benefits the worshipper spiritually.
Recipients of Divine knowledge and Compilers
Recipients of Divine knowledge and Compilers
Recipients of Divine Knowledge & Compilers : H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale
Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavale, Mrs. Anjali Mukul Gadgil and other seekers. Jayant Balaji Athavale, Mrs. Anjali Mukul Gadgil and other seekers
and Mrs. Anjali Gadgil, Mr. Nishad Deshmukh and other seekers
T Textbook of the ‘University of Spirituality’extbook of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Textbook in the Curriculum of ‘University of Spirituality’
Part 3. Science of Spirituality for Undergraduates – V
Part 3. Science of Spirituality for Undergraduates – Vol. 25. Bhaktiyog 1ol. 25. Bhaktiyog 1
Part 3. Science of Spirituality for Undergraduates - Vol. 25. Bhaktiyoga 11
77 g 60 Pages 101 g 84 Pages
Preparations before Science underlying worship with
Learn the correct method so as to worship a Deity with bh v ā
worshipping a Deity Science underlying worship five and sixteen substances
What do Dharmashâstrâs say ?
A Deity is a principle of God. Worship of a Deity with five and sixteen substances Ritualistic worship can be done with five or
Preparations before
worshipping a Deity is an easy way to facilitate the regular spiritual sixteen substances. The reasons for this and
practice of a worshipper. It creates a centre of answers to common questions about ritualistic
devotion and spiritual emotion in the mind of worship are provided in this book. The answers
the worshipper. The actions to be performed have been obtained through sixth sense and
before worshipping a Deity are given in this contain explanations of what happens in the
Reciting hymns
book. These actions not only purify the spiritual dimension during worship. Spirituality
Blowing a conch Worshipping a metal pot
worshipper, but they also enable him or her to is a science like any other and you can also verify
Why should the place of
imbibe the positivity from the worship. these points through direct experience.
worship be purified ? Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
and H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil
Recipients of Divine Knowledge and Compilers
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale, Mrs. Anjali Gadgil & other seekers
Holy text series on religious acts : Worshipping Deities - Vol. 5
Textbook of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Part 3. Science of Spirituality for Undergraduates - Vol. 25. Bhaktiyoga 4 5.617 million copies of 213 texts in 12 languages published till Apr. 2014
88 g 70 Pages 146 g 124 Pages