P. 19

Category : Spiritual Concepts and Universal Principles

                                                         Fundamental analysis of Dharma*                                                                      Abiding by and
                      Holy text series on ‘Dharma’ : Vol. 1                                                     Holy text series on ‘Dharma’ : Vol. 2
                          Fundamental                    Over time, various codes of ethics and laws have          Abiding by and                         protection of Dharma
                      analysis of Dharma                 been made. However, there is an eternal set of        protection of Dharma                True Dharma begins with increasing the spiritual

                 ‘Dharma’ is that which brings about the worldly & spiritual                                       Dharma is the soul of the Nation;
                                                         rules of ethics & behaviour that comes directly                                           purity  within  one  and  eliminating  negative
                  progress of the individual and keeps society healthy                                         hence, to protect the Nation abide by Dharma !
                                                         from God. This is known as Dharma. It can be                                              tendencies by doing spiritual practice. Once one
                                                         understood by the spiritually evolved through                                             makes  spiritual  progress,  one  is  capable  of
                                                         advanced sixth sense. Following Dharma results                                            helping others to do the same. Nowadays, the

                                                         in the worldly and spiritual progress of society.                                         spiritual purity in society is low. This is why God
                                                         This book explains how Dharma can be applied                                              is pleased when one helps to spread Spirituality
                  Analysis of why there are many Deities in Hindu Dharma,
                                                         in society for the benefit of all.                                                        in society, and then God graces that individual
                    the reason for rebirth, the meaning of Nīt dharma
                   (Code of ethics) and Strīdharma (Code for women), etc.                                                                          more, which results in faster spiritual progress.
                                                             Dharma - Righteousness
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi                    Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                           Sanatan’s Publication                                                                     Sanatan’s Publication
                    Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                            Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                 62.3 lakh (6.23 million) Copies of 279 Texts in 14 Languages till November 2015          62.3 lakh (6.23 million) Copies of 279 Texts in 14 Languages till November 2015
                                                                 117 g        100 Pages                                                                    123 g        104 Pages

                                                                  System of Classes                                                                  Appropriate method & science
                              Hansa varna                                                                   Holy text series on ‘Abiding by Dharma’ : Vol. 3
                                                                  and Stages of life                                                                  of celebrating Holy festivals
                                                                                                          Appropriate method & science
                    Brāhman               Shūdra
                                                         The  true  aim  of  life  is  to  progress  spiritually.   of celebrating Holy festivals  Holiday celebrations nowadays seem to be more
                          Kshatriya  Vaishya
                                                         However, though we all have the same Divinity                                             about materialism. Any spiritual focus that used
                                                         within, we are born with different qualities or                                           to  be  there  in  holidays  takes  a  backseat  to
                                                         talents that can be offered to God. Thus, God has                                         consumerism. This book presents information

                                                         provided different paths for spiritual progress                                           on  how  to  celebrate  some  festivals  so  that
                                                         depending on the inclinations of an individual.                                           people imbibe the spiritual benefit, which is the
                                                                                                             Eating neem leaves as Prasād on Guḍhīpāḍwā
                                                         The type of spiritual practice can even vary for                                          real purpose of these festivals. You can see what
                      Vānaprasthāshram  Brahmacharyāshram                                                    Offering Apta leaves meant to be 'gold' on Dussēhrā
                                                         the same individual depending on their age, and     Sister performing aukshaṇ of the brother on Bhāidūj  you experience at a spiritual level by celebrating

                                                         this is also clarified in this book.                                                      festivals in this manner.
                     orders                Castes
                                                                                                          Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                                                                                                                     Sanatan’s Publication
                                                                                                             Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                                                                                                           63.8 lakh (6.38 million) Copies of 284 Texts in 15 Languages till February 2016
                                                                 121 g        108 Pages                                                                    110 g         84 Pages

                                                            Science underlying Religious                                                                     Sixteen Sanskars
                  Holy text series on ‘Abiding by Dharma’ : Vol. 4                                          Holy text series on ‘Abiding by Dharma’ : Vol. 1
                 Science underlying Religious             festivals & Vowed observances                          Sixteen Sanskārs                  Did you know that there are sixteen significant

                festivals & Vowed observances            Are  you  having  problems  in  life  that  are  not   Sansk rs - Foundation of an ideal life enriched with s dhan  ! ā  ā  ā  events  in  one’s  life  that  have  spiritual

                                                         going  away  despite  your  best  efforts?  In                                            importance? When actions as per the spiritual
                                                                                                                            (Fifth sansk r) ā      science are taken at the time of these events,
                                                         addition  to  performing  spiritual  practice,
                                                         undertaking vowed religious observances is one                       Sīmantonayan         one benefits spiritually for one’s whole life. By
                                                                                                                              (Third sanskār)
                                                         way  to  overcome  these  problems.  These       Annaprāshan                              reading this book, you will understand how to
                                                                                                          (Seventh sanskār)   Garbhādhān
                                                                                                                        (First sanskār)
                                                         observances can resolve the spiritual root cause                                          perform these actions for your child or even for
                   Reason why women observe the Vaṭasāvitrī vrat
                   Rules to be followed by those who observe vrats  of  problems.  Undertaking  these  observances              (Ninth sanskār)    yourself. Completing these actions helps one to
                   Celebrating Religious festivals in the appropriate way
                                                         and celebrating festivals in a spiritually correct                                        imbibe spiritual positivity, which can lead to a
                                                         way benefits the individual and society.                            (Sixteenth sanskār)   happier life and help with spiritual practice.
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                                                                                                          Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                           Sanatan’s Publication
                                                                                                                     Sanatan’s Publication
                   Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                                                                                                             Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                 62.3 lakh (6.23 million) Copies of 279 Texts in 14 Languages till November 2015          62.5 lakh  6.25 million) Copies of 282 Texts in 15 Languages till December 2015(
                                                                 110 g        96 Pages                                                                     145 g        124 Pages

                                     Spirituality is a science governed by definite universal principles
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