P. 22
Category : H.H. Dr Athavale’s exceptional mission & His characteristics
Divine changes in the colour of Unique mission of Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale : Vol. 1 An introduction to the mission
Divine changes in the colour of Brief introduction to the
H.H. Dr Athavale’s nails of H.H. Dr Athavale
comprehensive & unique mission
H.H. Dr Athavale’s nails & its science
This book describes a very unique spiritual of Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale Currently, the awareness of and interest in
phenomenon for mankind - the transformation Spirituality in society has reached a low point.
in the colour of the nails of the fingers and toes The state of the world is also poor with
of H.H. Dr Athavale, a Saint of the highest order. unrighteousness prevailing. Due to this, H.H. Dr
His nails developed different colours at different Propounder of Maharshi Adhyatma Athavale has taken up the noble mission of
Gurukrupayoga Vishwavidyalay
times depending on the need of His mission of awakening humanity to Spirituality to increase
spreading Spirituality in society. This is the first righteousness in the world. By reading this
time that such changes on the body of a Saint book, you will learn about His expansive mission
All-encompassing Establishing
Yellow colour : Symbolises Chaitanya Pink colour : Symbolises Prīti treasure of Holy texts Answers received in the ‘Divine Kingdom’
have been recorded and made widely available. meditation are complementary and the different ways it is being carried out.
Compilers : H.H. Dr Jayant Balaji Athavale, to spiritual research
Pūjya (Dr) Mukul Madhav Gadgil, Mrs. Anjali Mukul Gadgil
Source of Inspiration and Guide for all Holy texts on His Biography
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’ Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
Series on Divine characteristics of H.H. Dr Athavale : Nails - Vol. 1 Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
52.16 lakh copies of 196 Holy texts in 11 languages on Spiritual
practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till Dec. 2012 68.5 lakh (6.85 million) Copies of 300 Texts in 15 Languages till April 2017
103 g 76 Pages 152 g 112 Pages
Radiant thoughts of Like Nalanda & Takshashila Universities of the ancient times Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay
Radiant thoughts of
H.H. Dr Athavale
Parātpar Guru (Dr) Athavale The percentage of students who pursue a
Guidance on awakening the Nation, protecting Dharma, etc. Spiritual progress occurs optimally by university degree is at an all-time high. While
complementing efforts in spiritual practice with this is favourable from a worldly standpoint,
efforts to eliminate negativity. H.H. Dr Athavale modern universities generally do not address
has provided clear guidance on how to do so. spiritual growth in their curricula. H.H. Dr
Brāhmatēj Kshātratēj
Over 1,000 seekers of God have reached evolved Athavale has established the Adhyatma
spiritual states and some have even reached Vishwavidyalay or the University of Spirituality
Sainthood by following His guidance. His to address this absence. The University of
thoughts regarding the spiritual progress of Spirituality will guide seekers of God as per their
Only those who are inspired by the thoughts that provide individuals and society are given in this book. spiritual paths to God-realisation.
Brāhmatēj (Radiance of a Brahman) and Kshātratēj
(Radiance of a warrior) will establish the ‘Divine Kingdom’ !
Sanatan’s Publication
Compiler : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
65.3 lakh (6.53 million) Copies of 289 Texts in 15 Languages till May 2016
100 g 76 Pages An education system based on Hindu Dharma : Vol. 1 138 g 126 Pages
The Divinity of higher level Saints brings about lasting positive change in society
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