P. 23
Category : Deities: Science and Worship
Supreme God and God Shri Vishnu
A Holy text that increases our faith by describing the virtues of Worship of Deities : Vol. 2
Who is God? Where does God exist? How did Shrī Vishnu Anything that is created is sustained for some
Supreme God and God
Supreme God God make the Universe? People often have (Functions, special characteristics time and then destroyed. Shri Vishnu is the
& science underlying worship)
many questions like this. The purpose of this Deity who represents the Universal principle of
book is to answer such questions and remove sustenance. This book provides details about His
confusion in the minds of those who are curious. origin & meaning, His various names, how He
God Clarifying one’s questions helps in developing protects seekers of God and righteousness, His
(Nirgun-̣ sagun)̣
faith and makes it possible to increase efforts in mission and special characteristics, how to
spiritual practice. Additionally, this text contains perform His ritualistic worship, etc. Devotees of
God (who is nirgu -sagu ) is created from a
spiritual experiences of seekers in relation to Shri Vishnu or anyone interested in learning
fraction of Supreme God (who is nirgun)̣ ; the sagun ̣ Universe
is created from a fraction of nirgun-̣ sagun ̣ God. Through spiritual
Supreme God and God. more about Him will find this book beneficial.
practice, it becomes possible to attain God, who is omnipresent.
Compilers : Parātpar Guru Dr Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’ Sanatan’s Publication
A Holy text series that enhances devotion for Deities - Vol. 1 Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
5.590 million copies of 211 Holy texts in 12 languages till March 2014 65.3 lakh (6.53 million) Copies of 289 Texts in 15 Languages till May 2016
82 g 64 Pages 123 g 104 Pages
Spiritual interpretation of Spiritual science underlying
Worship of Deities : Shiva - Vol. 1 Worship of Deities : Shiva - Vol. 2
Spiritual interpretation of aspects related to Deity Shiva Spiritual science underlying worship of Deity Shiva
aspects related to Deity Shiva worship of Deity Shiva
Anything that is created has to be destroyed at Each Deity represents a Universal cosmic
some point. Thus, destruction is one of the main principle. Worshipping a Deity as per the
principles of the Universe and Deity Shiva spiritual science results in that Deity’s principle
represents the Universal principle of being attracted in a greater proportion. This in
destruction. This book details worship of Deity turn benefits the worshipper. The various steps
Shiva along with the underlying spiritual to be taken when worshipping Deity Shiva have
science. It also elucidates the spiritual meaning been described in detail in this book. The
of His characteristics, various forms, attributes Understand the spiritual science underlying viewing the spiritual science is also explained so that one
Shivapinḍī through Nandī’s horns, performing Abhishēk
and functions. understands why each step is recommended.
on the pinḍī, performing half pradakshiṇa of the pinḍī, etc.
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi
Sanatan’s Publication Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
65.3 lakh (6.53 million) Copies of 289 Texts in 15 Languages till May 2016 65.7 lakh (6.57 million) Copies of 290 Texts in 15 Languages till June 2016
117 g 92 Pages 126 g 96 Pages
Shakti (Part 1) - Shakti (Part 2) -
Shakti (Part 1) Shakti (Part 2)
Introduction to Divine Energy Worship of Divine Energy
Introduction to Divine Energy Worship of Divine Energy
Divine Energy, which provides the energy for all This book clarifies various aspects such as the
change in the Universe, is represented by Deity characteristics of Deity Shakti’s worship,
Shakti. This book provides detailed information appropriate actions to be taken during worship,
about Deity Shakti and Her functions. Learning maximising the attraction of Deity Shakti’s
about a Deity helps in increasing faith towards principle, etc. You can see what you experience
the Deity, and the information in this book helps by worshipping Deity Shakti as explained in
to develop faith. Worshipping a Deity with faith this book. Experiences carry one ahead in
Negative energies Bhuvarlok Negative energies Bhuvarlok
is more fruitful, so those who worship Deity Spirituality, since it is a science of experience
Bhūlok Bhūlok
Shakti will benefit from this text. and it cannot be explained in words alone.
Pātāl Pātāl
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi
Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Holy text series that enhances devotion towards Deities : Shakti - Vol. 1 Holy text series that enhances devotion towards Deities : Shakti - Vol. 6
5.7 million copies of 221 texts published in 13 languages till Aug. 2014 5.7 million copies of 221 texts published in 13 languages till Aug. 2014
103 g 84 Pages 105 g 80 Pages
Each Deity carries out specific functions in the Universe