P. 18

Category : Spiritual Concepts and Universal Principles

                                                          Types of Guru and Gurumantra                                                                  Path of deliberate rigour
                       Holy text series on ‘Guru’ : Vol. 2
                                                                                                                                                          for spiritual progress
                                                                                                                Path of deliberate rigour
                Types of Guru and Gurumantra             There  are  different  types  of  Gurus  and  their   (Hathayoga) for spiritual progress
                             Parātpar Guru                                                                                                         Yoga  postures  and  exercises  have  been  used
                            (Nirgun-sagun  level)      functions are also different. This book explains
                                                         about the types of Gurus and how a disciple can                                           since ancient times to maintain health. People
                                                         benefit from them. The attributes of a true Guru                                          have become more interested in these aspects

                                                         are  also  described  so  it  becomes  easier  to    Bandha (Kundalinī)  Āsan (Pruthvītattva)  of yoga recently and many are attesting to its
                           Taking the seekers to Moksha   identify a true Guru. A Guru imparts a disciple                                          benefits  such  as  experiencing  better  sleep,
                      through mere presence and establishing Dharma
                                                         with  a  Gurumantra  to  hasten  the  disciple’s                                          circulation and overall health. In addition, these
                                                         spiritual progress. Information is given about a                                          practices also improve one’s mental positivity

                                                         true Gurumantra and common misconceptions                                                 and  give  one  spiritual  benefits.  Derive  these
                                                                                                               Trātak (Tējtattva)  Prānayām (Vāyutattva)
                   Guru (Sagu  level)n  Sadguru (Sagun-nirgun level)  about it are clarified.          Includes topics such as Mudrā, Mounyoga, control over sexual desire, etc.  benefits firsthand through this book.
                Providing guidance on sādhanā  Getting sādhanā done through resolve
                                                                                                           Hathayoga leads to purification of the body & mind !
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                            Sanatan’s Publication                                                         Compilers : H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale and Dr. (Mrs.) Kunda J Athavale
                    Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                                                                                                                Textbook of the ‘University of Spirituality’
                60.4 lakh (6.04 million) Copies of 267 Texts in 14 Languages till July 2015                Part 1. Primary level information on the Science of Spirituality - Vol. 1
                                                                 90 g         72 Pages                                                                     143 g        128 Pages

                                                            Importance, Characteristics                                                                    Types and effects of
                                                                                                                 Types and effects
                                                                 and Types of Karma                           of merits and demerits                       merits and demerits

                                                         “You reap as you sow” is a phrase you may be                                              Do you know someone who works hard, but still
                                                         familiar  with.  Positive  actions  create  merits,                                       faces a lot of problems? On the other hand, you

                                                         which  come  back  to  us  as  happiness,  while                                          may know someone who skates by difficulties in
                                                         negative actions create demerits, which come                                              life.  This  can  be  explained  by  the  merits  and

                                                         back to us as unhappiness. This is known as the                                           demerits  they  have  accumulated  from  past
                                                         law of karma. Understanding the law of karma                                              lives. This book explains more about merits and

                                                         gives  us  a  philosophical  perspective,  which                                          demerits,  how  to  avoid  demerits  and  how  a
                                                         makes it easier to understand the intricacies of                                          seeker  of  God  can  go  beyond  merits  and

                                                         life and the importance of spiritual practice.                                            demerits to help with making spiritual progress.

                                                                 112 g        92 Pages                                                                      98 g         76 Pages

                    Holy text series on ‘Karmayoga’ : Vol. 4  Atonement to eliminate                           Holy text series on ‘Karmayoga’ : Vol. 5    Sanchit, Prarabdha
                    Atonement to eliminate                   the harmful effects of sins                         Sanchit, Prārabdha                       and Kriyaman-karma
                  the harmful effects of sins                                                                   and Kriyamāṇ-karma
                                                         Once  a  sin  is  committed,  one  must  pay  the                                         Imagine that you are trying to empty a bag of
                                                                                                           (Accumulated account, Destiny and Wilful actions)
                                                         consequences. Generally, this is in the form of         Shrī Gaṇēshāya                    trash.  However,  as  you  are  walking,  you  find
                                                                                                                  Namaha l         Moksha
                                                         unhappiness.  However,  there  are  ways  to                                              more trash than you are able to empty, so your
                                                         eliminate past sins and they are given in this   account      Accumulated account         bag keeps getting bigger. This is similar to how a
                                                                                                                                 Increase in the
                                   Performing Hom-Havan                                                                          accumulated
                                                         book. Atoning to overcome sins helps to avoid                           account           person  builds  more  karma  with  each  life  and
                                                         sorrow in life. For a seeker of God, it helps to                                          moves  away  from  God-realisation.  Doing
                                                         conserve energy gained from spiritual practice                                            spiritual  practice  nullifies  our  past  karma.  In
                                                         so it is not used to nullify the sins. This way, that                                     addition, it transforms our personality positively
                                                                                                                        New accumulated
                       Ritualistic worship of a milch cow and                                                         account due to wilful actions
                      then donating it to a deserving individual  energy can be used for spiritual growth.                                         so we do not keep generating negative karma.
                                                                                                          Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale & H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                                                                                                                     Sanatan’s Publication
                           Sanatan’s Holy text
                                                                                                             Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                   Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                                                                                                          62.3 lakh (6.23 million) Copies of 279 Texts in 14 Languages till November 2015
                5.9 million Copies of 250 texts in 14 languages till May 2015
                                                                 93 g         96 Pages                                                                     136 g        116 Pages

                                     Spirituality is a science governed by definite universal principles
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