P. 13
Category : Survival and Healing techniques for Adverse Times
Autohypnotherapy Auto-hypnotherapy for
A text series that will be useful for the coming World War A text series that will be useful for the coming World War
when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available
Autohypnotherapy for sexual problems Auto-hypnotherapy for psychological disorders (Part 1)
for sexual problems While sex is a natural part of life, it can be psychological disorders (Part 1 ) As the world is becoming more emotionally
Therapy on fear, fai ure, addictions etc.l
Useful for teenagers, youth & married couples associated with negative emotions including aware, it is becoming easier for people to
anger, fear, guilt, etc. This can lead to sexual acknowledge and seek help for mental illness.
problems. Due to moral taboos, people with Problems such as fear of failure, obsessive
sexual problems may not reach out for help. Auto-suggestion thinking, depression, addictions, etc. are
Most sexual disorders, even those that show widespread. Autohypnotherapy is an effective
physical symptoms, have a psychological origin. way to treat such issues. You can also overcome
Autohypnotherapy is an effective way to treat troubling negative mental tendencies through it
such problems and enables one to live happily. Loneliness Bliss and become happy.
Compiler : Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
Compiler : Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale (Internationally renowned Hypnotherapist)
(Internationally-renowned Hypnotherapist)
Sanatan’s Publication
Sanatan’s Publication Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
65.7 lakh (6.57 million) Copies of 290 Texts in 15 Languages till June 2016
85 g 68 Pages 110 g 105 Pages
A text series that will be useful for the coming World War Auto-hypnotherapy for Spiritual remedies on ailments
A text series that will be useful for the coming World War
when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available
psychological disorders (Part 2) caused by obstructions in the
Auto-hypnotherapy for Unique research by Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
psychological disorders (Part 2 ) The mind uses up a large percentage of our Spiritual remedies on ailments Pranashakti flow system
Therapy on mania, depression, obsessive thinking etc.
energy through the medium of worries, caused by obstructions in the Prānashakti is sentient vital energy that is
Prānashakti flow system
unnecessary thoughts, stress, etc. Many have present in our bodies. The energy required for
experienced that they have far more energy II Shrī Gurudēv II Om Namaha the functioning of different systems in the body
Datta II Shivāya II
when their negative mental tendencies have as well as the mind is provided by the flow of
been overcome through autohypnotherapy. The Prānashakti. Many times, ailments are caused
second part of this series gives more by obstructions in the flow of Prānashakti. This
information on overcoming psychological book explains how to identify such blocks and
Negativity Bliss problems, along with practical examples. clear them.
Compiler : Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
Compiler : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
(Internationally renowned Hypnotherapist)
Sanatan’s Publication Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
65.3 lakh (6.53 million) Copies of 289 Texts in 15 Languages till May 2016 65.3 lakh (6.53 million) Copies of 289 Texts in 15 Languages till May 2016
105 g 100 Pages 148 g 120 Pages
Chants for curing ailments Chants for curing ailments
A text series that will be useful for the coming World War A text series that will be useful for the coming World War
when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Chants for curing Chants for curing
ailments (Part 1) Chanting is a powerful tool to overcome ailments (Part 2) This book explains how to apply chanting to
Chants of Deities, bījamantra etc.
Importance and science ailments. This is because chanting a Name, overcome ailments as per the Absolute Cosmic
underlying various types of chants as per the ailment along with mudrā and nyās
letter, number, etc. attracts the vibrations Element one needs. There are 5 Absolute
Chants of Tension Shrī Hanumatē
Chants Panchatattva Bīja- associated with the chant to the one chanting. Namaha I Cosmic Elements and they are subtle in nature.
of letters mantra
There is a principle that the subtle is more Fatigue Asthma When there is an ailment in the body, one of
Chants Number
of Deities chants
powerful than the gross or physical. Thus, these Elements is imbalanced. Techniques to
chanting has the power to overcome physical understand the imbalance, to choose the
ailments. Learn how chanting cures ailments correct chant and to channel the energy gained
and find solutions you can practice in this book. Rheumatism from chanting most effectively are all discussed.
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi
Sanatan’s Publication Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
66 lakh (6.6 million) Copies of 293 Texts in 15 Languages till July 2016 66.8 lakh (6.68 million) Copies of 296 Texts in 15 Languages till November 2016
112 g 84 Pages 174 g 152 Pages
Be self-sufficient so you can care for yourself and your loved ones during adversities