P. 16
How to make spiritual progress
Category : Guidance about Spiritual Practice
Parātpar Guru (Dr) Athavale’s unique perspective on spiritual practice Spiritual practice for ego removal Spiritual practice for God-realisation : Vol. 3 Introduction to Spirituality
Spiritual practice for ego removal Introduction to Spirituality
(Zero percent ego means Brahman [God]) Ego is a major obstacle in the path of a person’s We all seek happiness and avoid unhappiness.
Spiritual Main Ego (%) Examples worldly and spiritual happiness. The ego in a Moksha By practicing Spirituality, the unhappiness in our
level (%) component
100 Triguṇātīt Moksha person is akin to weeds in a field. Until the lives begins to reduce and we experience more
70 to 99 Pure sāttvik Saints
weeds are uprooted totally, one cannot cultivate happiness. In addition, we begin to experience
60 Sattva Good seeker
a good crop. Ego is so deeply ingrained that it Bliss, which is an experience above and beyond
Average seeker
40 Raja-Sattva Inferior seeker does not get dissolved automatically by happiness. This starts taking us beyond
30 Raja Spiritually curious & undertaking spiritual practice. happiness and unhappiness. This book gives
desirous of Moksha
This book provides in-depth information on ego
20 Raja-Tama Ordinary individual answers to the most common questions about
20 Tama-Raja Criminals, Police including the spiritual definition of ego, Spirituality. It will help you to find the direction
and Politicians
different types of ego and how to reduce ego. to take the next steps in your spiritual journey.
10 Tama Terrorists and leaders
of criminal gangs
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil Sanatan’s Publication
Sanatan’s Publication Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ 66.8 lakh (6.68 million) Copies of 296 Texts in 15 Languages till November 2016
128 g 108 Pages 155 g 132 Pages
Sadhana (Spiritual practice) Nāmasankīrtanyoga : Vol. 1 Importance and
Sādhanā (Spiritual practice)
Importance and
(General information and importance) This book explains the importance of spiritual benefits of Chanting
benefits of Chanting
practice. Performing spiritual practice not only With the hectic schedules people have now,
God Become a good seeker by constantly reciting
makes one’s life happier, but it helps one in the God’s Name and merge with the Name (God) ! finding extra time for anything can seem
afterlife as well. This book also includes unique challenging. In case you want to do spiritual
knowledge on different topics such as the practice but you are facing this problem,
effects of spiritual practice done in past births on chanting the Name of God provides a solution.
a person, stages in the journey of God- Chanting can be done anytime and anywhere.
One who does One who
not perform sādhanā performs sādhanā realisation, spiritual practice through the This book explains how chanting is helpful in
Stressful life, Blissful life,
covering of distressing protective sheath of God’s medium of arts and common obstacles you may
vibrations and entangled grace and journey towards your spiritual growth and gives detailed
in the cycles of birth-death Moksha even after death
face in your spiritual journey. information about it.
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. Sandeep Alshi
and Sadguru (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil
Sanatan’s Publication
Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
69.9 lakh (6.99 million) Copies of 305 Texts in 17 Languages till Oct. 2017 68.4 lakh (6.84 million) Copies of 299 Texts in 15 Languages till March 2017
115 g 100 Pages 109 g 88 Pages
Virtues essential Unique knowledge received by God’s grace Individual spiritual practice
Divine Knowledge received by God’s grace !
for Vyashti Sadhana Individual spiritual practice and and spiritual practice of
Virtues essential
spiritual practice of spreading Spirituality
for Vyashti Sādhanā (Practical spiritual practice)
(Individual Spiritual Practice) spreading Spirituality
This book explains about the different qualities Some of you may be interested in performing
that are helpful in your spiritual practice. By spiritual practice for your own growth and
the Nation
learning what qualities you have and what some of you may be interested in spreading
Social service
qualities you can develop, you can benefit Spirituality in society. Ideally, a spiritual seeker
greatly in your spiritual journey. Detailed would perform both individual spiritual practice
of Dharma
information is also given on how to develop and spiritual practice for spreading Spirituality.
God’s Name
these useful qualities and how to further Individual Spiritual practice Both are necessary for rapid spiritual growth
spiritual practice of spreading Spirituality
develop the qualities one currently has. Perform these spiritual practices simultaneously to attain Moksha ! and they are complementary.
Recipients of Divine Knowledge and Compilers
H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale, Mrs. Anjali Gadgil and other seekers
Textbook of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Part 3. Science of Spirituality for Undergraduates - Vol.11. Sādhanā 2
47.08 lakh copies of 185 Texts in 11 languages published till Feb. 2012
83 g 68 Pages 118 g 100 Pages