P. 14
Category : Survival and Healing techniques for Adverse Times
Spiritual healing of ailments Spiritual healing of ailments
Unique analysis by Parātpar Guru (Dr) Athavale Unique analysis by Parātpar Guru (Dr) Athavale
A text series that will be useful for the coming World War through empty boxes (Part 1) A text series that will be useful for the coming World War through empty boxes (Part 2)
when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available
when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available
A cardboard box may seem like an unlikely tool Using empty boxes is one of the most simple yet
Spiritual healing of ailments
Spiritual healing of ailments
for spiritual healing. However, by the grace of effective spiritual healing remedies. This book
through empty boxes (Part 1)
through empty boxes (Part 2)
Importance and the underlying science
God, this spiritual healing method was Method of performing these spiritual remedies provides practical methods of performing the
discovered during the course of spiritual remedy such as placing an empty box at a
research to uncover one of the most simple yet certain distance from oneself, holding it over a
potent tools to suck negative subtle-energy out body part, making headgear out of empty boxes
of our systems. Learn the various places on to purify the head, etc. It also explains how to
the body where this spiritual remedy can be easily perform the remedy while doing daily
Keeping the boxes close Wearing headgear made of boxes
performed, how it works and more. to the Kunḍalinī-chakrās while performing day-to-day tasks chores such as cooking or studying.
Compiler : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
Compiler : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
Sanatan’s Publication
Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
67.8 lakh (6.78 million) Copies of 299 Texts in 15 Languages till February 2017
67.4 lakh (6.74 million) Copies of 296 Texts in 15 Languages till January 2017
95 g 68 Pages 106 g 84 Pages
Practical training in Firefighting Text promoted by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti First-aid training (Part 1)
Text sponsored by ‘Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’
A text series that will be useful for the coming World War
Saints with advanced sixth sense have predicted when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available In times of emergency, medical professionals
Practical Training
First-aid training (Part 1)
that the near future will be adverse and full of are not always available to provide care
in Firefighting
Examining the victim, saving the critical victim’s life
war and natural disasters. During such times, and first-aid on ailments associated with shock for victims in critical condition. This book
firefighting will be a lifesaving skill. This book describes how to care for an unconscious victim.
has been written to provide practical Techniques to check if the victim has a pulse and
knowledge about firefighting so that people administer chest compression to restart the
Unconscious Checking
victim the pulse
can protect themselves and others. Methods of heart are given. Ways to identify and treat shock
extinguishing fires, extinguishing a fire on one’s and associated ailments are included. If you
own body, surviving when surrounded by fire understand the principles in this book, it may
and more are included. save lives in the coming adverse times.
The only protection for us : Sadhana Chest compression
Compilers : H.H. Dr Charudatta Pingale, M.S. (E.N.T.)
Compiler : Mr Nitin Sahakari (B.E. [Mech.], Chief Engineer in Merchant Navy)
and Dr Durgesh Samant, M.D. (Medicine)
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Sanatan’s Publication
Text series useful for adverse times : Practical training in firefighting - Vol. 1
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
5.59 million copies of 211 texts in 12 languages published till March 2014
105 g 80 Pages 66.6 lakh (6.66 million) Copies of 294 Texts in 15 Languages till October 2016 132 g 112 Pages
First-aid training (Part 2) Text promoted by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti First-aid training (Part 3)
Text promoted by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
A text series that will be useful for the coming World War
A text series that will be useful for the coming World War
when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available
when doctors, medicines, etc. will not be available Fractures and wounds are some of the most This book provides lifesaving information on
First-aid training (Part 3)
First-aid training (Part 2) common injuries people have. Treating a treating suffocation, burns, victims of electric
First-aid on suffocation, burns,
First-aid on bleeding, injury,
fracture properly can make the difference electric shock, animal & insect bites, poisoning etc. shock, animal and insect bites, poisoning, etc. In
fracture, injury to muscles etc.
between a person having a healthy limb or the coming adverse times, we may all be
Dressing developing a lifelong injury. Along these lines, vulnerable to such injuries. The more people
Tying a limb Removing an object
properly dressing a wound is essential to bitten by a snake from the respiratory tract who know how to treat these injuries, the safer
Wound Fracture
prevent infections and ensure a smooth people will be. In addition to learning the
recovery. Learn how to treat fractures and principles in this book, it would be helpful to
wounds so you are capable of helping others also let others know about this series on First
and treating yourself if needed. Carrying a victim on a stretcher Aid and why it is important to learn this now.
Compilers : H.H. Dr Charudatta Pingale, M.S. (E.N.T.)
Compilers : H.H. Dr Charudatta Pingale, M.S. (E.N.T.)
and Dr Durgesh Samant, M.D. (Medicine)
and Dr Durgesh Samant, M.D. (Medicine)
Sanatan’s Publication
Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
66.6 lakh (6.66 million) Copies of 294 Texts in 15 Languages till October 2016 66.6 lakh (6.66 million) Copies of 294 Texts in 15 Languages till October 2016
127 g 108 Pages 122 g 104 Pages
Be self-sufficient so you can care for yourself and your loved ones during adversities