P. 9
Category : Ayurveda (Ancient Healing Methods)
Metabolic Disorders Diagnosis through pulse
Follow Ayurveda for a long and healthy life ! Ayurvedic perspective on treating diseases
and Diabetes Mellitus examination (Nadi pareeksha)
Metabolic Disorders Diagnosis through pulse
The incidence of diabetes mellitus is on the rise A great deal of information about a patient’s
and Diabetes Mellitus examination (Nadi pareeksha)
(Ayurvedic concept)
overall. Even youths under the age of 20 are overall health and the progression of illness can
Burning ?
Acidity ?
being diagnosed at higher rates. Allopathy be found out by examining the pulse. Ayurveda
provides no cure and only delays its progression. Pittaja nadi provides in-depth information about this
Kaphaja Vataja Pittaja Ayurveda has provided a detailed explanation of science. Pulse examination is built on studying
Prameha Prameha Prameha
the causes, prevention and treatment of the condition of the vessel wall, the flow of
10 types of 4 types of 6 types of
Kaphaja Prameha Vataja Prameha Pittaja Prameha diabetes mellitus. Whether one is predisposed, blood and the strength and beat of the pulse.
has the full illness or is just cautious, applying This book is helpful to all medical practitioners
the principles in this book will help. and anyone interested in learning more.
Dr. Vasant B. Athavale Dr. Kamlesh V. Athavale H.H. Vaidyacharya (Dr) Vasant B Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S.
M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S., Vaidyacharya M.D., D.N.B.E., M.N.A.M.S., F.A.A.P. (U.S.A.)
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Textbook of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Holy text series on ‘Ayurveda’ for a healthy and long life : Vol. 20
Part 1. Text series on Ayurveda for the common man - Vol. 18
46.80 lakh copies of 183 Texts in 11 languages published till Jan. 2012 5.617 million copies of 213 texts in 12 languages published till April 2014
84 g 80 Pages 118 g 94 Pages
Ideal Doctor
Ideal Doctor
(Ayurvedic perspective on the qualities in a Doctor) Medical science is advancing by leaps and
bounds. However, the modern doctor is losing
O Deity Dhanwantari ! the satisfaction derived from the respect and
Let me serve the
patients as a part of my
spiritual practice !
gratitude shown by his patients due to the
absence of genuine care and the personal touch.
As per Ayurveda, a doctor’s aim is not limited to
curing patients. The aim of every doctor is to
become an ideal doctor and make spiritual
progress. This book explains how a doctor can
achieve this along with treating patients.
H.H. Vaidyacharya (Dr) Vasant B Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S.
Dr Kamlesh V Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S.; F.A.A.P. (USA)
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Holy text series on ‘Ayurveda’ for a healthy and long life : Vol. 21
5.59 million copies of 211 Holy texts in 12 languages on Spiritual
practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till March 2014
96 g 80 Pages
A Big Collection of bookss
A Big Collection of book
to make your life happyo make your life happy
The books in this catalogue cover many topics, but they broadly aim to
increase the happiness in people’s lives and guide sincere spiritual seekers
on how to make spiritual progress. A unique feature of these books is that
What do you want in your life ?
they explain how to make efforts at the physical, psychological and spiritual
levels to overcome problems in a practical way. Most are unaware of the
As of March 2018,
Over 300 books have been published spiritual dimension and how it affects our everyday lives. By considering
Books have been made available in 17 languages the spiritual dimension in our daily living, we are able to experience more
Over 7 million copies have been printed
lasting happiness and inner peace.