P. 6
Category : Spiritual Living (Achardharma)
Spiritually beneficial Spiritually beneficial
Divine Knowledge received due to God’s grace Divine Knowledge received due to God’s grace
Spiritually beneficial clothes for women Spiritually beneficial clothes for men
clothes for women clothes for men
This book gives more details about how one can This book explains how men can choose clothes
Activation of Shakti Attraction of
Deity Principle imbibe spiritual benefit from clothes and that benefit them spiritually. Different types of
explains how women in particular can benefit Activation of Chaitanya Activation of tārak-shakti clothes are examined and their spiritual effects
from them. By following the principles in this are explained. A dhoti-kurta is shown to be the
Particles of Chaitanya Particles of tārak-shakti
Flow of Chaitanya Activation
book, one will be able to clearly understand ideal for a man. Spiritually harmful clothing and
of Chaitanya
what types of clothing are spiritually beneficial Protective sheath Protective sheath of styles are also examined. This book shows that
of Chaitanya
and what types of clothing are harmful. The sari when choosing attire, it is important to pay
Protective Protective sheath
sheath of Chaitanya of Deity Principle Particles of
is the ideal type of clothing for a woman. The Divine Principle Particles of Ānand attention to spiritual aspects and not only
reasons for this at a spiritual level are explained. (Pictures based on Divine Knowledge with all vibrations are there in this Holy text.) physical aspects.
(Elucidation of pictures based on subtle-knowledge is provided in this Holy text.)
Recipients of Divine Knowledge & Compilers : H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale,
Compilers : H.H. Dr Jayant Athavale and Mrs Ranjana Gadekar Mrs. Anjali Gadgil, Mrs. Yoya Vallee and Mrs. Ranjana Gadekar
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Holy text series that teaches how to abide by Āchārdharma : Attire - Vol. 3
Holy text series that teaches how to abide by Āchārdharma : Attire - Vol. 2
53 lakh copies of 198 texts in 11 languages published till Feb. 2013 48.50 lakh copies of 186 Texts in 11 languages published till May 2012
128 g 112 Pages 120 g 100 Pages
Science underlying conducts Science underlying
Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Daily conducts - Vol. 2 Holy text series on ‘Āch rdharma’ : Daily conducts - Vol. 1ā
Science underlying conducts from bathing till sunset Science underlying conducts before bathing
from bathing till sunset conducts before bathing
Each action can be performed in a way that Most everyone feels fresh after bathing. In
Gangē cha enhances spiritual purity. This book explains Karāgrē addition to physical cleansing, bathing cleanses
Yamunē chaiva Vasatē
Godāvarī... Lakshmīhi...
how to perform different actions throughout one at a subtle-level as well and this adds to the
the day in this way. The spiritual purity gained by feeling of freshness. This book explains different
2. Correct method
1. Correct method of bathing 2. Symbol of Hinduism : Applying tilak following these spiritual principles makes us 1. Reciting a shloka upon of brushing the teeth actions to perform before bathing so that one
waking up in the morning
3. Recite a shloka at dusk Shubham happy, enthusiastic and peaceful. It can help to ll Shrī can imbibe the maximum spiritual benefit. You
karoti... Gurudēv Datta ll
after lighting a lamp
ease the stresses and strains of modern life. It is can try and see how fresh you feel after
3. Correct method
of sweeping the floor
also complementary to any spiritual practice performing these actions before you bathe and
one is performing and enhances it. understand their benefits firsthand.
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
and Sadguru (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil and Sadguru (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil
Sanatan’s Publication Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
67.3 lakh (6.73 million) Copies of 296 Texts in 15 Languages till December 2016 67.3 lakh (6.73 million) Copies of 296 Texts in 15 Languages till December 2016
110 g 92 Pages 110 g 92 Pages
Leaders in the field with over 30 years of Spiritual Research The Maharshi University of Spirituality is
Maharshi unique in that the objective of those attending
Maharshi Adhyatma VishwavidyalayAdhyatma Vishwavidyalay
classes in this University is not to acquire just
(Maharshi University of Spirituality)
worldly knowledge, but to acquire knowledge for
www.Spiritual.University one’s spiritual upliftment, and ultimately spread
this knowledge to others. Individualised guidance
Chanting the is provided about realising God through the art or
Name of God
discipline of one’s choice. 64 arts & 14 disciplines
are covered, including music, dance, painting,
sculpting & more. Additionally, spiritual research
is carried out on these topics and others such as
animals, language, diet, etc. The results are
Saints & seekers will be the Unparalleled research Individualised guidance
faculty of the Spiritual University demystifying the spiritual realm on 64 arts and 14 disciplines groundbreaking and show how the spiritual world
interacts with the world we know.
We invite you to be a part of the Maharshi University of Spirituality & in doing so a part of history.