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Learn how to be Happy

                                                        Category : Personality Development

                                                         Importance of Personality Defect                                                              How to identify personality
                Unique perspective by Parātpar Guru (Dr) Athavale on spiritual practice                    Unique perspective of Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale on spiritual practice
                      Personality Defect Removal : Vol. 1                                                  Holy text series on Personality Defect Removal : Vol. 2
                                                           Removal & inculcating virtues                                                                   defects in ourself ?
                Importance of Personality Defect                                                            How to identify personality
                  Removal & inculcating virtues          The mind is the source of both our happiness            defects in ourself ?              We each have positive and negative aspects in

                                                         and unhappiness. The personality defects that                                             our personalities. Reducing the negative aspects
                                                         are there in a person’s mind are responsible for   Self-introspection      Perseverance   of our personalities is beneficial and it helps in
                                     Make your life
                                                         unhappiness,  whereas  one’s  qualities  are                                              living a happier life and in spiritual practice. For
                                   stress free, increase
                                   love for the family
                                                         responsible  for  happiness  and  contentment.                                            example,  in  case  you  feel  anxious  often,  you
                                    & be successful !                                                       Sincerity                  Yearning
                                                         However,  we  tend  to  look  outward  for                                                would live a happier life by overcoming it. Learn

                                                         happiness and to avoid unhappiness. This book                                             an  effective  technique  used  to  identify  any
                                                         explains  how  to  change  that  perspective  and                                         negative aspects of your personality so you can

                                                         look inward to develop lasting happiness.             Imbibe virtues such as perseverance and make  take steps to overcome them in this book.
                                                                                                              the personality defect removal process effective !
                    Compiler : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale                                            Compiler : Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
                       (Internationally-renowned Hypnotherapist)                                                  (Internationally-renowned Hypnotherapist)
                           Sanatan’s Publication                                                                      Sanatan’s Publication
                  Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                   Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                66.8 lakh (6.68 million) Copies of 296 Texts in 15 Languages till November 2016            69.6 lakh (6.96 million) Copies of 303 Texts in 16 Languages till August 2017
                                                                 147 g        128 Pages                                                                    109 g         92 Pages

                                                          Removal of personality defects                                                                   Autohypnotherapy
                 Unique perspective of Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale on spiritual practice                        Unique Autosuggestion techniques
                 Holy text series on Personality Defect Removal : Vol. 3                                      prepared by Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale
                                                              through autosuggestions                                                                         for a happy life
                 Removal of personality defects                                                                 Autohypnotherapy
                    through autosuggestions              Autosuggestions  are  a  powerful  way  to               for a happy life                 Autohypnotherapy  moulds  the  mind  so  it

                                                         overcome negative aspects of our personality.                                             follows  positive  patterns.  By  reading  this
                                                         They are suggestions that one repeats to oneself                                          book,  you  will  learn  how  to  make  use  of

                                                         to  overcome  negative  patterns  and  replace                                            autohypnotherapy for personality development
                                                         them with positive ones. Personality defects like                                         and  leading  a  successful  life.  You  will  also

                                                         anger, worrying, fear, overeating and more can                                            learn  the  causes  of  various  psychological
                               ‘...I  am  standing  boldly  in  front  of
                                                         all  be  overcome  by  taking  autosuggestions.                                           ailments,  related  remedies  and  how  to  apply
                               the audience. With self-confidence I
                               am  looking  at  them  and  calmly
                                                         Detailed information is given in this book about                                          complementary  spiritual  remedies  such  as
                               presenting my subject... ’
                                                                                                            Using these self-help techniques be successful in daily life
                       Take autosuggestions for removal of
                   personality defects such as fear, impatience, anger.  autosuggestions and how to implement them.     & in areas such as education, business, sports, acting etc. !  chanting the Name of God and spiritual healing.
                                                                                                             Compiler : Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
                   Compiler : Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
                                                                                                                  (Internationally renowned Hypnotherapist)
                        (Internationally-renowned Hypnotherapist)
                            Sanatan’s Publication                                                                      Sanatan’s Publication
                  Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                     Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                 69.9 lakh (6.99 million) Copies of 304 Texts in 17 Languages till September 2017
                                                                                                           66 lakh (6.6 million) Copies of 293 Texts in 15 Languages till July 2016
                                                                 112 g        92 Pages                                                                     188 g        164 Pages

                                                                 Science of Hypnosis                      Based on Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale’s vast clinical  Autohypnotherapy (Vol. 1)
                                                                                                           and research experience, including case histories
                                                         Few words have inspired as much fear and sense                                            Currently,  problems  such  as  stress  and
                                                                                                           Autohypnotherapy (Vol. 1)
                                                         of mystery as hypnotism. As one reads this book                                           depression  are  becoming  more  common.
                                                                                                               For medical, paramedical, non-medical
                                                         it will become clear that hypnotism is a science    professionals and non-professionals as well  Hypnotherapy can provide a safe and effective
                                                         like  any  other  and  that  there  is  nothing   (Personality, psychopathogenesis and therapeutic process)  solution  in  many  such  cases.  Practising

                                                         mysterious about it.                                                                      hypnotherapy  appropriately  as  per  the
                                                                                                                     Stress       Guidance
                                                         This  text  provides  details  on  misconceptions                                         principles  explained  in  this  book  helps  with
                                                         about  hypnosis,  the  nature  of  hypnosis,                                              developing a healthy personality and enables
                                                         methods  of  its  induction,  factors  that  affect                                       one to become happy. A healthy personality is

                                                         susceptibility  to  hypnosis,  its  uses  and  how                                        the key to living a successful life and it is the
                                                         hypnosis is used in the treatment of patients.                                            foundation of spiritual practice as well.
                                                                                                               Compiler : Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
                                                                                                                  (Internationally-renowned Hypnotherapist)
                Compilers : H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale and Dr. (Mrs.) Kunda Athavale
                                                                                                                      Sanatan’s Publication
                                                                                                             Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                     Textbook of the ‘University of Spirituality’
                 Part 1. Text series on solutions to Psychological problems - Vol. 2                       66.4 lakh (6.64 million) Copies of 294 Texts in 15 Languages till September 2016
                                                                 200 g        164 Pages                                                                    288 g        272 Pages
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