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Category : Spiritual Living (Achardharma)
Hair-care Spiritual perspective
Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Hair-style - Vol. 2 Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Hair-style - Vol.1
Hair-care People invest a lot of time in caring for and Spiritual perspective on cutting hair
(Includes special characteristics on cutting hair
styling their hair and it is seen as a key part of When was the last time you cut your hair?
of hair as per the spiritual level)
(Includes sanskārs related to hair)
one’s appearance. However, people do not Unless you are growing your hair longer, odds
O Shrī Durgādēvī !
Let me have a bhāv that
‘I am combing Your hair’ ! generally consider spiritual aspects related to are you cut it regularly. However, when hair is
O God ! Protect my
hair from negative hair. In addition to physical functions, God has cut, its capacity to attract positive energy
energies !
provided hair to humans so that humans can reduces. For women, it is spiritually better to
acquire positive energy through it. Read this avoid cutting the hair as much as possible. This
book to learn what hairstyles to wear, how to book explains what happens when hair is cut,
Subtle-picture depicting
dispose of fallen hair, how to care for your hair the harm caused to women why it is better to avoid it and how to care for
if they cut their hair
and more and experience the benefits. (For detailed analysis, read this text.) hair in the spiritually best way.
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
Sanatan’s Publication Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
61 lakh (6.1 million) Copies of 273 Texts in 14 Languages till Aug. 2015 60.4 lakh (6.04 million) Copies of 267 Texts in 14 Languages till July 2015
118 g 96 Pages 94 g 76 Pages
Hair related Importance of a sattvik diet
Divine Knowledge received by God’s grace Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma ’ : Diet - Vol. 1
problems and remedies “You are what you eat” is a common phrase.
Hair related Importance of a sāttvik diet
Do you have hair problems? Maybe you have Consume a sāttvik diet as prescribed by Hindu culture ! There is truth to this and what you eat affects
problems and remedies
tried to find solutions but not found any. In you physically, psychologically and spiritually.
A sāttvik (Vegetarian) diet
addition to physical and psychological reasons, purifies the mind and intellect Foods that are spiritually pure are also good for
problems such as premature greying of hair, you psychologically and physically, while the
excessive hair fall, dandruff, etc. can have a opposite is true for spiritually impure foods.
spiritual root cause. This book gives spiritual Eating a spiritually pure diet helps to keep an
remedies, which help to overcome such individual feeling happy, light and enthusiastic
Overcome hair related problems with the help of problems. Also, Ayurvedic treatments for hair and reduces the incidence of diseases. In
Ayurvedic & spiritual remedies and spiritual practice
problems are given that provide a lasting cure. addition, it is helpful in spiritual practice.
Recipients of Divine Knowledge & Compilers : H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale,
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
Mrs. Anjali Gadgil, Mrs. Ranjana Gadekar & Ms. Madhura Bhosale
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’ Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Holy text series on abiding by Āchārdharma : Hairstyle - Vol. 2
52.65 lakh copies of 197 Holy texts in 11 languages on Spiritual 6 million copies of 262 Holy texts in 14 languages on Spiritual
practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till Jan. 2013 practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till June 2015
136 g 116 Pages 98 g 80 Pages
Harmful effects of a Dietary norms and the
Holy text series on Āchārdharma : Diet - Vol. 2‘ ’ Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Diet - Vol. 3
non-sattvik Diet Dietary norms and the underlying spiritual science
underlying spiritual science
While we benefit by having a spiritually pure Do you regularly eat outside of meal times? If
diet, a spiritually impure diet causes us harm. you answered “yes”, you may be harming your
Attitude turns Mind becomes
tāmasik restless
However, spiritually impure foods have become body by doing so. In addition to the food we eat,
Possibility of Possibility of Blissful life
physical distress due to the norm currently. In addition to the physical dietary norms such as this also impact the effect
ailments negative energies
and psychological effects of eating such a diet, Sāttvik attitude food has on us. This book provides information
Mental satisfaction
Avoid this ! one also becomes vulnerable to attacks by Healthy life about these norms and explains how to
negative energies. This can cause problems even implement them in daily life. Following these
after death. You can avoid all of this by reading norms will help you to get the most out of what
Eat sāttvik, fresh & light food which is easy to digest ! this book and applying the principles in it. you eat and help in all aspects of your life.
Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
Sanatan’s Publication Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
59.7 lakh copies of 262 texts in 14 languages published till June 2015 61.6 lakh (6.16 million) Copies of 276 Texts in 14 Languages till September 2015
91 g 72 Pages 91 g 72 Pages
Follow these principles to imbibe positivity during your day-to-day life