P. 3

Category : Personality Development

                Based on Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale’s vast clinical  Autohypnotherapy (Vol. 2)
                 and research experience, including case histories
                                                         The second volume of this series contains more
                  Autohypnotherapy (Part 2)
                                                         information  about  cases  where  hypnotherapy
                   For medical, paramedical, non-medical
                 professionals and non-professionals as well  was applied practically to overcome ailments.
                                                         For  example,  cases  where  autohypnotherapy
                        Stress             Guidance
                                                         was applied successfully to overcome multiple
                                                         addictions,  visual  hallucinations  &  nail-biting

                                                         among  other  conditions  are  studied.
                      Education      Art     Profession
                                                         Autohypnotherapy  can  be  used  to  overcome

                                                         problems one faces   in all walks of life to live
                                                         happily and develop a positive  personality.
                     Compiler : Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
                        (Internationally-renowned Hypnotherapist)
                            Sanatan’s Publication
                   Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                  67.3 lakh (6.73 million) Copies of 296 Texts in 15 Languages till December 2016
                                                                 272 g        252 Pages

                                                 Category : Spiritual Living (Achardharma)

                                                           Introduction to Achardharma                                                                  How to sleep peacefully ?
                  Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Vol. 1                                                Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Sleep - Vol.1
                Introduction to Āchārdharma              Living  a  life  that  follows  spiritual  principles   How to sleep peacefully ?         Our  modern  day  hectic  lifestyle  has  made

                   Abiding by āchārs makes the attitude sāttvik   increases the spiritual purity in us. Even simple   (Science underlying conducts related to sleep)  peaceful sleep a rarity for most people. Many
                                                         actions  can  be  performed  in  a  way  that                                             who suffer from sleep disorders visit doctors in
                                                                                                                          Shrī Mahālakshmīdēvyai
                                                                                                                             Namaha I
                                       Virtuous          enhances  spiritual  purity,  and  doing  so  is                                          the hope of overcoming their problem. Doctors
                                                         complementary to spiritual practice. This book                                            in turn prescribe sedative drugs to their patients
                          Hell                           explains how to perform actions from the time                                             so that they get much needed sleep. However, in
                   Evildoers                             one wakes up to the time one goes to sleep in a                                           the long run, many continue to have difficulty

                                                         way that generates spiritual purity. Incorporate                                          sleeping.  This  book  explains  the  real  reasons

                                                         some of the practices described in this book and                                          that people cannot sleep and provides solutions
                                                         enhance your spiritual practice.                      By chanting the Kuladēvatā’s Name while going off   that resolve the root cause.
                                                                                                              to sleep, a subtle protective sheath is created around us !
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                                                                                                          Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                            Sanatan’s Publication
                     Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                                   Sanatan’s Publication
                                                                                                               Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                   6.5 million copies of  267 Holy texts in 14 languages on Spiritual
                 practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till July 2015                    61.6 lakh (6.16 million) Copies of 276 Texts in 14 Languages till September 2015
                                                                 88 g         72 Pages                                                                     123 g        104 Pages

                                                             Importance of Ornaments                                                                         Ornaments for
               Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Ornaments - Vol. 1                                     Holy text series on Āchārdharma : Ornaments - Vol. 2
                                                                                                                                                           men and women
                 Importance of Ornaments                 Did  you  know  that  ornaments  can  have  a    Ornaments for men and women
                                                         spiritual  healing  effect?  Spiritually  pure           Elucidates and analyses          The benefits one derives from ornaments vary
                  Ornaments are a treasure of sāttviktā
                                                                                                              the superiority of sāttvik ornaments
                                                         ornaments grant the wearer additional positive                                            depending on how an ornament is made, the
                                                         energy  and  protect  against  negative  energy.                                          type of metal used to make it and other factors.
                                                         They even perform acupressure where they are                                              The  spiritual  benefit  that  is  derived  from

                                                         worn. The effects and benefits vary depending                                             ornaments can be observed through sixth sense.
                                                         on the type, design and materials used to make                                            This  book  provides  pictures  drawn  by  artists

                                                         ornaments. If you would like to derive spiritual                                          with  sixth  sense  of  what  happens  when  one
                                                         benefit from the ornaments you wear, this book                                            wears  spiritually  pure  ornaments  along  with

                                                         would be helpful to you.                                                                  explanations of what the pictures mean.

               Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil              Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                            Sanatan’s Publication                                                                     Sanatan’s Publication
                     Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                           Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                 61.6 lakh (6.16 million) Copies of 276 Texts in 14 Languages till September 2015         62.3 lakh (6.23 million) Copies of 279 Texts in 14 Languages till November 2015
                                                                 98 g         80 Pages                                                                      98 g         76 Pages
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