P. 8
Category : Ayurveda (Ancient Healing Methods)
Diseases of the nervous system Diseases of the skin & cosmetics
Healing Touch of Âyurveda : 10 Diseases of the skin
and cosmetics
Diseases of the The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal The skin is the natural covering of the body. It
(Ayurvedic and Modern concept)
cord and the peripheral nervous system. The weighs 10% of one’s body weight and covers a
nervous system
(Âyurvedic Concept)
brain and spinal cord control the movements surface area of 18 square feet. The skin is the
and bodily processes that occur throughout the sense organ of touch, temperature and pain.
body. Due to this, diseases of the brain and This book describes various skin diseases and
nervous system can have wide ranging effects. their Ayurvedic concept and treatment. It
In this book, the functions and diseases of indicates the diet beneficial and harmful to the
the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and skin. The book also discusses how to care for the
muscles are discussed from the Ayurvedic hair and prescribes Ayurvedic treatment for
point of view. common diseases like dandruff, lice, etc.
. .
Dr. V. B. Âthavale Dr. Kamlesh V. Âthavale
Dr. V.B. Athavale Dr. Kamlesh V. Athavale
M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S., Vaidyâchârya M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S.
241 g 214 Pages M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S., Vaidyacharya M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S. 242 g 218 Pages
Ayurveda for a healthy life : Vol. 4 Basic principles of dietary norms Ayurveda for a healthy life : Vol. 5 Constituents of food and
Basic principles (Ayurvedic Concept) Constituents of food and disorders related to food
of dietary norms disorders related to food
Obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other As people are becoming more health-conscious,
Ayurvedic and spiritual perspective on diet
conditions caused by poor diet are all on the more attention is being given to maintaining a
rise. As per Ayurveda, one’s diet influences one’s Vitamins Fats balanced diet. There are different guidelines
overall health. Depending on one’s constitution, available on what a well-balanced diet is, which
Carbohydrates Proteins
some foods are beneficial for one’s health, while can leave one with questions about what diet to
Balanced diet
other foods are harmful. By following Ayurvedic follow. This book will answer your questions. If
Disorders related to unbalanced diet
principles in one’s diet, illnesses can be avoided you follow the dietary principles given in this
Provides information on an ideal kitchen
and overcome. This book explains how to follow book, you will maintain excellent health and it
as per the Vastushastra, method of partaking meals,
ideal diet according to temperament & seasons etc.
an Ayurvedic diet so you can also benefit. Indigestion Obesity Malnutrition will also prevent diet-related diseases.
Doctor & Vaidyacharya H.H. Vasant B Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S.
Doctor & Vaidyacharya H.H. Vasant B Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S.
Dr Kamlesh V Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S., F.A.A.P. (USA)
Dr Kamlesh V Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S., F.A.A.P. (USA)
Sanatan’s Publication
Sanatan’s Publication
Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
61.6 lakh (6.16 million) Copies of 276 Texts in 14 Languages till September 2015
62.3 lakh (6.23 million) Copies of 279 Texts in 14 Languages till November 2015
132 g 108 Pages 129 g 108 Pages
Conquer Your Cancer Ayurveda for a long and healthy life : Vol. 7 Evolution of Disease in Ayurveda
The effectiveness of treatments for cancer vary Evolution of Disease The main benefit of Ayurveda as a holistic
in Ayurveda
depending on its severity. Additionally, treatment regimen is that it cures illnesses at the
treatments are often toxic and cause unpleasant Please read sequentially root. In contrast, allopathic treatments treat
Complication of disease
side effects such as nausea, weakness, hair loss illnesses at a superficial level, thus providing
Dissemination of doshas
and more. Ayurveda has described cancer as a only symptomatic relief. Ayurveda has
Localisation of doshas
disease in detail and has prescribed holistic explained the evolution of diseases and
Manifestation of disease
treatments for it. Complementing allopathic treatments at each stage starting from the
Differentiation of disease
treatment with Ayurvedic treatment helps the imbalance of the humours of the body, their
Accumulation of doshas
patient to have a better quality of life, recover dissemination, manifestation of the disease and
Accumulation of doshas
faster and face less side effects. in excess finally full-fledged development of the disease.
Pujya Vaidyacharya (Dr.) Vasant B. Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S. Doctor & Vaidyacharya H.H. Vasant B Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S.
Dr. Kamlesh V. Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S.; F.A.A.P. (USA) Dr Kamlesh V Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S., F.A.A.P. (USA)
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Sanatan’s Publication
Holy text series on ‘Ayurveda’ for healthy and long life : Vol. 10
Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
52.16 lakh copies of 196 Holy texts in 11 languages on Spiritual
61.6 lakh (6.16 million) Copies of 276 Texts in 14 Languages till September 2015
practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till Dec. 2012
295 g 250 Pages 135 g 112 Pages
Ayurveda improves health, well-being and treats and prevents chronic illnesses