P. 5

Category : Spiritual Living (Achardharma)

                                                           Harmful effects of modern diet                                                                 Components required
                  Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Diet - Vol. 4                                         Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Diet - Vol. 5
                Harmful effects of modern diet           The rising rates of obesity, diabetes and other      Components required                           for cooking a meal
                                                                                                                for cooking a meal
                 Avoid non-sāttvik modern diet, which harms health !
                                                         illnesses  are  worrying,  especially  because  the                                       Cooking  is  something  most  everyone  does.
                                                                                                            (Attention to sāttviktā in food, utensils & fuel)
                                                         rates of these illnesses are rising in the youth. A                                       Some do it out of pure necessity while others
                                                         major reason for this is that the modern diet is                                          genuinely love cooking. However, people rarely
                                                         not  conducive  to  physical,  psychological  or                                          consider how to cook in a way that enhances the
                                                         spiritual  well-being.  The  solution  is  to  eat  a                                     spiritual purity of food. In addition to choosing
                                  Unhealthy life  Unhappy life
                                                         spiritually  pure  diet  and  avoid  those  modern                                        spiritually pure ingredients, different methods
                                  Discontented mind
                                  Negative energy distress
                                                         foods that are harmful. Making society aware of                                           can be employed when cooking, which enhance
               Consuming the modern diet makes the body and mind unhealthy,
                                                         the importance of a spiritually pure diet is a gift                                       spiritual  purity.  This  allows  one  to  derive  the
                whereas, by consuming the diet prescribed by Hindu culture,
                   the body and mind are maintained in good health !”  that will benefit the generations to come.  Cooking on firewood is more sāttvik than modern methods  maximum benefit by eating the food made.
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                            Sanatan’s Publication
                    Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                61.6 lakh (6.16 million) Copies of 276 Texts in 14 Languages till September 2015
                                                                 86 g          68 Pages                                                                     97 g         80 Pages

                                                            Basic conducts before meals                                                             Conducts during and after meals
                  Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Diet - Vol. 7                                         Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Diet - Vol. 8
                       Basic conducts                    Have you ever heard that we should be grateful          Conducts during                   Most know that chewing food thoroughly helps

                         before meals                    for  the  food  we  eat?  The  attitude  we  keep       and after meals                   to  digest  it  better.  This  is  at  a  physical  level.
                                                         towards food helps us to imbibe more positivity                                           Similarly, there are different acts that help to
                                                         from it. There are different actions one can take                                         imbibe the maximum spiritual benefit from food

                                                         before eating that help to maintain a positive                                            as  we  are  eating.  Additionally,  there  are  acts

                                                         approach to food. There are also actions one can                                          that can be performed after eating that help to
                                                         take  to  protect  food  from  spiritual  impurity                                        increase this benefit. By performing these acts,
                                                         before it is eaten. Details about these actions are                                       we benefit physically and psychologically as well

                                                         given in this book so readers can maximise the                                            since  spiritual,  psychological  and  physical
                       How should food be served in a plate ?                                              Why should we eat with the hands instead of a fork and spoon ?
                                                         benefit they get by eating.                                                               factors are interrelated.
                    Why should Naivēdya be shown before meals ?
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil              Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                            Sanatan’s Publication                                                                     Sanatan’s Publication
                   Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi  Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                  Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi  Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                 62.7 lakh (6.27 million) Copies of 284 Texts in 15 Languages till January 2016             62.7 lakh (6.27 million) Copies of 284 Texts in 15 Languages till January 2016
                                                                 112 g        100 Pages                                                                    105 g         84 Pages

                                                                 Correct method of                                                                       How should clothes be
                  Holy text series on ‘Āchārdharma’ : Diet - Vol. 6                                        Increase sāttviktā through the medium of clothes
                       Correct method                              cooking a meal                             How should clothes be                   from a spiritual perspective?
                      of cooking a meal                                                                   from a spiritual perspective ?
                                                         With the pace of modern life, it can be difficult                                         How  do  you  choose  the  clothes  you  wear?
                  (Care required from cooking to serving meals)
                                                         to find time to cook. This can make appliances                                            Maybe  you  have  some  favourite  colours,
                                                         like the microwave oven, which save time, look                                            patterns, styles, etc. that influence your choices.

                                                         attractive.  However,  these  appliances  reduce                                          However,  you  are  most  likely  not  considering
                                                         the benefit one imbibes from food.  In addition,                            Raja          the spiritual dimension when choosing clothing.

                                                         if  food  is  cooked  as  a  part  of  one’s  spiritual                                   This  book  explains  why  natural  fabrics  like
                                                         practice with love for God, then the food gives                                           cotton and silk are more spiritually pure than
                                                         spiritual  benefit  to  those  eating  it.  This  book                          Tama      artificial  fabrics  and  how  spiritually  pure

                                                         explains more about such concepts in detail.                                              clothing helps the wearer to imbibe positivity.
                                                                                                             Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil                       and H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                            Sanatan’s Publication                                                                      Sanatan’s Holy text
                   Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi  Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                    Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                 62.7 lakh (6.27 million) Copies of 284 Texts in 15 Languages till January 2016             5.85 million Copies of 240 texts in 14 languages till Feb. 2015
                                                                 86 g         68 Pages                                                                     120 g        100 Pages

                               Follow these principles to imbibe positivity during your day-to-day life
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