P. 7
Category : Ayurveda (Ancient Healing Methods)
Principles of Ayurveda Fever in Ayurveda
Adopt Ayurveda for a long and healthy life ! Follow Ayurveda for a long and healthy life !
Principles of Ayurveda Fever in Ayurveda
Holistic health is gaining popularity in current Fever is something we all suffer from at some
times. Ayurveda is an ancient science which point. Did you know that a fever can be treated
Causes of fever
addresses medical problems at the level of body, Types of fever before it even starts? Ayurveda has studied
Symptom-based remedies
mind and spirit, so it has always followed a fever in detail and has described it as the king of
Dietary dos and don’ts
holistic approach to medicine. This book diseases. Ayurveda treats the patient during the
explains how to apply the principles of Ayurveda incubation period of a fever, which is the period
so anyone can benefit from this science. between the entry of the germs or toxins and
Ayurveda treats illnesses at the root, so once an the actual manifestation of the fever. This
illness is cured it has a low chance of recurring usually reduces the severity of the illness and
and the patient can live a healthy life. makes it easier to cure it.
Knowledge provided by Deity Dhanwantari to Sages
for humans so that they obtain eternal happiness in life !
Dr. Vasant B. Athavale Dr. Kamlesh V. Athavale
M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S., Vaidyacharya M.D., D.N.B., M.A.M.N.S.
Textbook of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Part 1 : Text series on Ayurved for the common man - Vol. 1
294 g 272 Pages 119 g 104 Pages
Dentistry in Ayurveda Ayurvedic remedies
Keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy Keep the throat, tonsils, ears, nose and lungs healthy !
Dentistry in Ayurveda Most everyone suffers from some type of tooth for respiratory disorders
Ayurvedic remedies
disorder over the course of their lives. Ayurveda
for respiratory disorders Respiratory problems are on the rise due to
contains a detailed study of dentistry and
Ayurveda helps to problems like air pollution, smoking and other
overcome toothache and practically all the dental disorders known today
factors which weaken one’s respiratory system.
brings a smile on the face ! Nose Mouth
have been described in Ayurvedic literature (Nasal cavity)
If you are suffering from illnesses such as
written 5,000 years ago. Many have experienced Throat frequent colds, respiratory allergies or asthma,
that applying these ancient principles results in
it may indicate that your respiratory system is
Right lung Left lung
disorders getting cured and having healthy
weakened. Ayurveda provides solutions such as
teeth. You can also overcome tooth problems by Pleura Diaphragm
breathing exercises and modifying one’s diet to
Tooth decay Uneven teeth Bleeding gums
applying the principles explained in this book. H.H. Vaidyacharya (Dr) Vasant B Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S. prevent and cure respiratory problems.
Pujya Vaidyacharya (Dr.) Vasant B. Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S.
Dr Kamlesh V Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S; F.A.A.P. (USA)
Dr. Kamlesh V. Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S.; F.A.A.P. (USA)
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Holy text series on Ayurveda for a healthy and long life : Vol. 4
Holy text series on ‘Ayurveda’ for healthy and long life : Vol. 19
Over 5.565 million Copies of 211 texts in 12 languages on
52.16 lakh copies of 196 Holy texts in 11 languages on Spiritual
spiritual practice, protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. till Feb. 2014
practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till Dec. 2012
88 g 72 Pages 184 g 156 Pages
Disorders of the Urinary Tract Keep the heart healthy and active ! Heart Diseases
The urinary tract performs the vital function of Our heart pumps non-stop throughout our lives
excreting toxins and fluid from the body through to keep us alive. Keeping this in mind, it makes
urine. Keeping this system healthy is key to sense to take care of it. Modern living, however
maintaining overall health. This book describes is not kind to our hearts with stress, poor diet,
Tension After
how Ayurveda classifies diseases of the urinary Incorrect Cigarette Ayurvedic lack of exercise, smoking, drinking and more all
Nephrotic diet addiction
syndrome therapy
tract and how they can be treated. It is useful to playing a role. Ayurveda provides a solution for
Ureteric Blood Obesity
Calculas pressure
patients with urinary illnesses and also to all of this. Following Ayurvedic principles to
medical students, practitioners, teachers and maintain your heart’s health is one of the best
research workers in understanding various decisions you can make for your health and you
‘Ayurveda’ is the type of therapy
Follow Ayurvedic therapy, which is natural & without harmful effects ! that creates a bond with the heart !
urological diseases & their management. can learn how to do so by reading this book.
Pujya Vaidyacharya (Dr.) Vasant B. Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S. Pujya Vaidyacharya (Dr.) Vasant B. Athavale M.D., D.C.H., F.A.M.S.
Dr. Kamlesh V. Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S.; F.A.A.P. (USA) Dr. Kamlesh V. Athavale M.D., D.N.B., M.N.A.M.S.; F.A.A.P. (USA)
Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’ Primary Holy text of the ‘University of Spirituality’
Holy text series on ‘Ayurveda’ for healthy and long life : Vol. 6 Holy text series on ‘Ayurveda’ for healthy and long life : Vol. 7
52.16 lakh copies of 196 Holy texts in 11 languages on Spiritual 52.16 lakh copies of 196 Holy texts in 11 languages on Spiritual
practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till Dec. 2012 practice, Protecting the Nation & Dharma etc. published till Dec. 2012
211 g 192 Pages 193 g 168 Pages
Ayurveda improves health, well-being and treats and prevents chronic illnesses