P. 17

Category : Guidance about Spiritual Practice

                                                                  Spiritual Emotion
                 Spiritual practice for awakening spiritual emotion : Vol. 1
                                                               (Types and Awakening)
                      Spiritual Emotion
                       (Types and Awakening)
                                                         Spiritual  emotion  provides  deep  spiritual
                                                         experiences  and  can  help  with  making  rapid

                                                         spiritual  progress.  In  this  book,  detailed
                                                         information  is  given  regarding  the  different
                                                         types of spiritual emotion and their effects on a

                                                         person’s spiritual practice. Other information is
                                                         also  covered,  including  efforts  to  enhance

                                                         spiritual  emotion,  the  importance  of  linking
                         H.H. Bhaktaraj Maharaj
                    (Unexpressed-expressed spiritual emotion)  yearning with spiritual emotion and more.
                   Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale
                       and Sadguru (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil
                          Sanatan’s Publication
                 Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                 66.8 lakh (6.68 million) Copies of 296 Texts in 15 Languages till November 2016
                                                                 140 g        120 Pages

                                  Category : Spiritual Concepts and Universal Principles

                                                           Spirituality for obtaining Bliss                                                              Spirituality is superior to
                  Spiritual practice for God-realisation : Vol. 2                                            Spiritual practice for God-realisation : Vol. 1
                Spirituality for obtaining Bliss         Every living being strives for happiness and tries    Spirituality is superior                      modern science

                 (Scientific analysis of happiness, unhappiness & Bliss)                                          to modern science
                                                         to avoid unhappiness. The reason is that we all                                           40 years ago, it took weeks to get an answer
                                                                                                           (Incorrect impressions and the correct perspectives)
                                                         know deep within that we seek Bliss, which is far                                         from family on the other side of the world, but
                                                         superior to happiness. Bliss is our natural state,                                        now this can be done within seconds. Science

                                                         and  all  of  our  attempts  to  become  happy  or                                        has made many strides like this. However, has it

                                God                      avoid unhappiness stem from our desire to feel                            Soul            made  us  happier?  We  may  actually  be  more
                   Happy individuals  Unhappy individual
                                                         Bliss  again.  While  our  5  senses,  mind  and     Science (Research on  Spirituality (Research on  unhappy than we were in the past. Spirituality,
                                      Shrī Gurudēv                                                             external aspects)  internal aspects)
                                                         intellect can give us experiences of happiness,                                           on  the  other  hand,  transforms  a  person  and
                                       Datta l
                                                                                                                Due to science, man becomes self-indulgent,
                                                                                                               selfish & anti-Dharma; whereas, due to Spirituality,
                                                         they  cannot  give  us  Bliss,  which  can  only  be   man is able to sacrifice, become blissful & follow Dharma !  makes  them  Divine.  The  spiritual  progress  of
                        Practice Spirituality to obtain Bliss,  experienced by making spiritual progress.         True science is one that is useful  people is what would truly uplift society.
                     which lies beyond happiness & unhappiness                                                  for propagating Dharma & world peace
                 Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi                   Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                         Sanatan’s Publication                                                                     Sanatan’s Publication
                   Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi  Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                  Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi  Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                69.1 lakh (6.91 million) Copies of 303 Texts in 16 Languages till June 2017               62.7 lakh (6.27 million) Copies of 284 Texts in 15 Languages till January 2016
                                                                 105 g        88 Pages                                                                     114 g         92 Pages

                                                                     The disciple                                                                        Importance of the Guru
                         The disciple                                                                           Holy text series on ‘Guru’ : Vol. 1
                                                         When one is ill, they go to a doctor. If the same   Importance of the Guru                The  Guru  holds  supreme  importance  in
                 One who performs sādhanā as expected by the Guru
                                                         person has a court case, they go to a lawyer. The                                         a disciple’s life. This is because the Guru is the
                                Moksha                                                                                                 Moksha
                                                         expert to go to in Spirituality is one who has                                            one  who  takes  a  disciple  to  the  goal  of
                                Bhāv                     made spiritual progress and is willing to guide                                           God-realisation.  This  book  explains  the  true
                                                         others. Here, the direct experience of the guide                                          nature of the Guru through various aspects such
                 Māyā                         Māyā       is more important than theoretical knowledge.                                             as the Guru exhibiting love for the devotee, His
                                                         To  progress  past  a  certain  point,  earning  the                                      compassionate  nature,  various  mediums  of
                                                                                                                                Path of
                                                         grace  of  a  Guru,  or  a  true  spiritual  guide,  is             spiritual practice    bestowing grace on the disciple, etc. This will
                                                         needed. This book explains how to develop the                                             help the disciple to obtain the maximum benefit
                   Become a disciple to free yourself from Māyā that
                  gives grief and to attain Moksha that bestows Bliss !  qualities needed to be eligible for discipleship.                         from the existence of the Guru.
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi                     Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. Sandeep Alshi
                           Sanatan’s Publication                                                                    Sanatan’s Publication
                    Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                  Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’

                 69.9 lakh (6.99 million) Copies of 305 Texts in 17 Languages till Oct. 2017               59.7 lakh (5.97 million) Copies of 262 Texts in 14 Languages till June 2015
                                                                 147 g        120 Pages                                                                     89 g         64 Pages
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