P. 20

Category : Spiritual Concepts and Universal Principles

                                                              Importance of shraddha                                                                  Spiritual science underlying
                 Holy text series on ‘Religious rituals’ : Shrāddha - Part 1                              Holy text series on ‘Religious rituals’ : Shrāddha - Vol. 2
                  Importance of shrāddha                     and its underlying science                    Spiritual science underlying                various actions in shraddha
                and its underlying science               Where do our loved ones go after death? Are       various actions in shrāddha             Shraddha  is  a  ritual  that  provides  spiritual

                                                         they  helping  us  from  the  afterlife?  These  are   Why is the janēu worn on the right  energy to our departed ancestors in the afterlife.
                   Who should perform the  shrāddha rites, when and where ?                                 shoulder during shrāddha ?
                  How do departed ancestors gain momentum due to shrāddha ?  common  questions  about  our  departed  loved   How does the food offered to   The  different  steps  of  this  ritual  all  have  a
                What is the spiritual science underlying a crow pecking the pinḍa ?                         the Brāhmaṇs reach the pitars ?
                                                         ones. This book explains how our ancestors are     How does one overcome obstacles that   Bhuvarlok  spiritual  meaning.  By  understanding  the
                                                                                                            may arise while performing shrāddha ?
                                                         often in need of our help in the afterlife due to                                         meaning  of  these  steps,  one  can  perform
                                                         lacking  spiritual  energy.  It  also  describes  a                                       Shraddha with more faith, which increases its
                                                         potent ritual, Shraddha, which provides much                                              effectiveness.  Shraddha  can  also  relieve

                                                         needed spiritual energy to our ancestors so they                                          problems in our lives, since ancestors can cause
                                                         can be happy in the afterlife.                                                            distress to descendants as a plea for help.

                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale     H.H. Sandeep Alshi                     Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                            Sanatan’s Publication                                                                    Sanatan’s Publication
                   Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                   Primary Holy text of ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                64.8 lakh (6.48 million) Copies of 285 Texts in 15 Languages till March 2016               65 lakh (6.5 million) Copies of 287 Texts in 15 Languages till April 2016
                                                                 155 g        128 Pages                                                                    110 g         88 Pages

                                                  Category : How to Overcome the Evil Eye

                                                               Methods of casting off                                                                    Methods of casting off
                     Remedies on spiritual distress : Vol. 1                                                   Remedies on spiritual distress : Vol. 1
                     Methods of casting off                      the evil-eye (Part 1)                         Methods of casting off                      the evil-eye (Part 2)
                      the evil-eye (Part 1)                                                                      the evil-eye (Part 2)
                                                         Many cultures around the world believe that a                                             This book provides more details about the evil-
                      (Including  spiritual interpretation)                                                    (Including that of patients & children)
                                                         thought  or  an  envious  glare  is  able  to  cause                                      eye and how to cast it off. Different methods are
                                                                                                                    Let the negative
                                                                                                                  energy causing distress
                                     Let the evil-eye cast
                                     by guests, passersby…   harm to someone in the form of illness, injury or     to the child be drawn           discussed depending on age, severity and other
                                                                                                                   into this coconut !
                                      be eliminated !
                                                         even death. In today’s materialistic world, most                                          factors.  In  addition  to  performing  the  rituals
                                                         people have personality defects and vices such                                            described  in  this  book,  performing  regular
                                                         as  jealousy,  hatred,  hunger  for  publicity,  etc.                                     spiritual practice is the best protection from the

                                                         Vibrations  generated  from  these  vices  have  a                                        evil-eye, since this creates a protective sheath of
                                                         spiritually  distressing  effect  on  us  and  this  is                                   positive  energy  around  us  that  makes  us  less

                                                         termed as the evil-eye.                                                                   susceptible to getting afflicted by the evil-eye.
                Cast off the evil-eye with salt & mustard seeds, red chillies, coconut,  etc.             Cast off the evil-eye with camphor, black gram, betel leaf, footwear, etc.
                Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                                                                                                          Compilers : Parātpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Athavale      H.H. (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
                           Sanatan’s Publication                                                                     Sanatan’s Publication
                   Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’                                             Primary Holy text of ‘Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’
                 61.6 lakh (6.16 million) Copies of 276 Texts in 14 Languages till September 2015         61.6 lakh (6.16 million) Copies of 276 Texts in 14 Languages till September 2015
                                                                 116 g        88 Pages                                                                     101 g         84 Pages

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