Page 24 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
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RECOGNISING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT service and to carry out internal analyses, in accordance with
At Goldair Handling Bulgaria, sustainable development is at the the provisions of the new European Union regulation 2016/679
heart of its activities. Following the example of Goldair Handling (General Data Protection Regulation-GDPR).
Greece, the Company focuses on respect for clients, passengers
and personnel recognising the importance of protecting the Passengers’ personal data are processed securely through
environment and aiming for sustainable operations. applications that either belong to airlines/clients of the
Company or have been developed by Goldair Handling itself.
RELATIONSHIP WITH CLIENTS Finally, Goldair Handling Bulgaria implements Goldair
Goldair Handling focuses on providing quality services for its Handling’s Marketing and Communication Policy, aiming
clients in all of the countries where it is active. To this end, any to promote transparent and sound advertising and
comments or complaints that may be received are managed communication.
via the digital ‘Compass’ platform (Intranet Platform). Once they
have been entered into the platform, they are categorised while INVESTING IN OUR PEOPLE
all electronic correspondence is stored accordingly. Additionally, Goldair Handling Bulgaria employees are the key to the
all personal data managed by Goldair Handling Bulgaria are company’s development; every effort is made to maintain a
used exclusively for the purposes of customer and passenger meritocratic and safe work environment at all facilities.
BY GENDER 200 213 150 BY REGION 143 187 214
4 6
Men Women Sofia Burgas Varna
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
2016 2017
Men Women Total Men Women Total
Permanent 79 55 134 84 70 154
Temporary 122 65 187 129 80 209
Total 201 120 321 213 150 363
2016 2017
Men Women Total Men Women Total
Full time 201 115 316 211 147 358
Part time 8 4 12 6 4 10
Total 209 119 328 217 151 368