Page 26 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 26
In addition to initial training and in accordance with the above requirements above, employees attend recurrent
training, when and where necessary, at least once every three years.
2016 2017
3.1% 5.0% 7.0% 10.1%
32.9% 34.5%
55.4% 41.5%
3.5% 6.9%
Passenger Handling
Familiarisation with the use of equipment
Knowledge of security procedures
Safety in the workplace
Knowledge of hazardous materials/cargo (DGR)
During 2017, 260 in-house and 2 outsourced seminars were held.
Additionally, ‘On-the-job training’ has been established at Goldair Handling Bulgaria and implemented during in 2018.
This programme is a practical form of training under the guidance of an on-the-job trainer.
More information on the on-the-job training programme in section 6, “Our People”, subsection 6.2. “Training” page 78.
During 2017, 84,711 training hours were conducted for 364 employees.