Page 22 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
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1.7. Distinctions and Awards
The distinctions and awards received by the Company in 2017 recognise Goldair Handling’s contribution to the growth of
the domestic market and the excellent service it provides for its customers. The most important distinctions and awards of
2017 include:
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1. TRUE LEADERS BY ICAP GROUP Goldair Handling ranks: 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AWARD In the Transportation
- 27th among the 500 companies with the largest number of Infrastructure category, for Project Lounge @Extra Schengen
employees - 198th among the 500 most profitable companies (collaboration with Manifest)
in Greece. The Company also has a B1 ICAP Credit Score 5. AIR FRANCE SILVER AWARD GO4GOLD East Med 1st in
2. ‘GREEK BUSINESS CHAMPIONS’ AWARD This award Europe Athens Station
was presented to the Company at the ‘PROTAGONISTS 6. “BRANDS WITH HISTORY” AWARD Awarded to Goldair
OF THE GREEK ECONOMY’ event Group S.A. by the Ecali Club
3. TRIPADVISOR has rewarded KLM with the Travelers
Choice Award for Best European Airline 2017 (Goldair
Handling Lounge, Athens Station)