Page 30 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
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2.1. Our services
Goldair Handling partners with many of the largest airlines internationally and,
thanks to its proper training and know-how, provides the following services:
Management functions and supervision
Passenger handling
Baggage handling
Ramp handling
Aircraft services
Flight operations
Surface transport
Services for passengers with reduced mobility
Consulting services
Lounge and VIP services
Freight and mail handling
MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND SUPERVISION to the screening and preparation of baggage ahead of departure,
Management functions and supervision include representation loading and unloading from the aircraft, and transport from the
services and contact with regional authorities or any other screening room to the sorting room.
person, payments carried out on behalf of the user and
provision of spaces to their representatives, supervision of RAMP HANDLING
loading, marketing and telecommunications, processing, Ramp handling services mainly pertain to the handling of aircraft,
storage, use and management of loading units, every other including: marshalling of aircraft during arrival and departure,
supervisory service prior to, during, and following the flight, servicing of parked aircraft, organising communication with
as well as every other management service requested by the aircraft, and loading and unloading of aircraft. Ramp handling
airlines. services also include transport of the crew, passengers, and
baggage between the aircraft and the terminal, handling during
PASSENGER HANDLING engine start, push back of the aircraft during departure as well
Passenger handling services include passenger handling as arrival. The implementation of the necessary measures, the
during departure, arrival, transit or connection. These mainly transfer, loading, and unloading of food and beverages from
include check-in, inspection of travel documents, baggage aircraft are also included.
check in and transport up to the airport baggage sorting
Aircraft services include: interior and exterior cleaning of
BAGGAGE HANDLING aircraft, maintenance of sanitary areas, provision of water,
Baggage handling services include the entire process of air-conditioning and heating of the cabin, removal of snow
baggage handling in the sorting room. They are mainly related and de-icing of the aircraft.