Page 35 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
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DISTINCTION FOR SERVICES PROVIDED sends to Goldair Handling all comments related to the services
Goldair Handling very often receives positive feedback from it provides to its clients - airlines. Over the course of 2017, the
numerous partners related to the services it provides, from its Company received, through these channels, 156 passenger
clients - airlines and the passengers of the airlines it services. comments - complaints, which were analysed on a monthly
In 2017, the company received a total of 131 positive comments basis and forwarded to the departments directly involved
through “thank you” letters and messages via social media. for further investigation. Of these, 70% were associated with
The positive comments pertained to the professionalism and complaints related to airlines - clients of Goldair Handling. In
politeness of the staff, the speedy service of flights, as well as every case, where it is deemed necessary, Goldair Handling
the quality services provided by the various departments of the directly informs the airline to which the passenger comment-
Company across the entire range of its activities. complaint pertain regarding any irregularities and/or errors
on the part of employees at regional stations. The remaining
COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT 30% pertained to issues that can be directly attributed to
Any comment received by the Company from a client, Goldair Handling, which took immediate action to resolve the
passenger, or partner which may be linked to a request, issues in question.
proposal or potential complaint, is considered an opportunity
for improvement. All comments and complaints received are CUSTOMER PRIVACY
managed through the electronic platform “Compass.” Once During the provision of ground-handling services, Goldair
they have been recorded, they are sorted based on type, and Handling manages and processes the personal data of
the accompanying correspondence, in electronic form and hard clients - airlines as well as airline passengers. The personal
copy, is stored in order for the Company to proceed with the data managed by the Company are utilised exclusively to
relevant analysis of the results. provide efficient services to airlines and passengers, and
During the course of 2017, a total of 163 complaints from for internal analysis and related reports, taking into account
customers and partners regarding the entire Goldair Handling the provisions of the new EU regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).
network were directly recorded by the Company. In addition, The processing of passengers’ personal data is always
“El. Venizelos” Athens International Airport, after processing carried out via secure applications that either belong to the
the passenger comments and observations it receives airline-client of the Company or have been developed by
through printed forms, e-mail, and social networking media, Goldair Handling.
It should be mentioned that throughout 2017, Goldair Handling did not receive any complaints related
to the violation of its clients’ privacy or that of its clients’ passengers.
2.4. Responsible communication
Goldair Handling recognises that responsible communication and marketing practices are a tool for developing
a relationship of trust with all associates and contribute to the responsible promotion of the Company’s services
to all its stakeholders.