Page 36 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 36
Goldair Handling ensures responsible marketing services in all areas where it is active
and for all methods of advertising.
To this end, the company implements a Marketing and Communications Policy through which it is committed to
promoting transparent and appropriate marketing.
Marketing and Communications Policy
The company has incorporated responsibility and the represents an element of commitment with regard to
principles of sustainable development into its culture and the economic, environmental, and social impact of its
into the manner in which it operates and grows. In this operations, as well as enabling it to boost the confidence
context, it recognises that responsible Marketing is vital to the of society and adapt its services to the needs of its clients.
responsible management of the economic, environmental
and social impact of its operations, while cultivating a Goldair Handling is committed to responsible Marketing
relationship of trust between society and Goldair Handling. services in all areas in which it is active and for all
At Goldair Handling, there has been a Marketing and methods of advertising. Goldair Handling’s Marketing
Communications Department in operation since 2014, with Program, including advertising, promotional activities
the aim of effectively promoting the Company’s services to and sponsorships, takes into account the applicable
all groups of interested parties. Through the adoption of this laws on communication, standards and, in particular, the
policy, the Company pursues appropriate advertising and Greek Code of Advertising and Communication, which it
responsible promotion of its services. More specifically, it adheres to and implements in developing every related
places great emphasis on ensuring that the communication programme.
material of Goldair Handling is legitimate, proper, fair, honest,
corresponds to reality, and respects the rights and diversity of Goldair Handling seeks:
human beings with regard to age, gender and race. To develop and offer innovative products and services,
with a view to meeting the needs of its clients in the best
The Company’s philosophy with regard to Marketing way possible.
takes into account the interests of the local communities To communicate simply and clearly, with a view to
in which it operates, believing that responsible Marketing having its messages comprehended by all consumers.
2.5. Trust relationships with suppliers
Goldair Handling recognises that cooperating suppliers are In this context, the Company’s main aim is to create a relationship
important partners for achieving its business objectives, as they of trust and long-term cooperation with its suppliers and to
significantly contribute to responsible entrepreneurship. The support the economic growth and prosperity of the regions in
development, maintenance, and evaluation of the Company’s which it operates. By prioritising local suppliers, the Company
supply chain, using financial, environmental and social criteria, supports the smaller markets around the 26 airports in which
is a prime consideration for Goldair Handling. it operates.