Page 52 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 52
Customer service and Customer airlines, passengers within & outside
customer satisfaction
1 (corporate customers
and passengers)
Socio-economic and Shareholders, State & Regulatory Bodies, within & outside
2 environmental compliance Institutional Bodies, Financial Institutions
3 Economic Performance Shareholders, workers and Trade Union, suppliers within & outside
4 Employee Health and Safety Shareholders, workers and Trade Union, customer airlines within & outside
5 Passenger Health and Safety Customer Airlines, passengers, shareholders within & outside
Expansion into new markets Shareholders, within
and strengthening current workers and Trade Union,
6 market presence/Business customer airlines
7 Employment Shareholders, Workers & Trade Union, customer airlines within
Customer and Shareholders, customer airlines, passengers within & outside
passenger privacy
9 Tourism activity Shareholders, workers & Trade Union, external factor
customer airlines, passengers
Financial environment Shareholders, workers and Trade Union, customer airlines, external factor
10 in the country where the passengers, suppliers, State and Regulatory Bodies,
company is based Local communities and NGOs, Institutional Bodies,
Financial Institutions
11 Transparency and Shareholders, customer airlines, suppliers, within & outside
Anti-Corruption State & regulatory bodies, Institutional Bodies
Business continuity Shareholders, workers & Trade Union, customer airlines, within
12 management - BCM State & regulatory bodies, Institutional Bodies
(instead of risk managment)
13 Procurement Practices Shareholders, suppliers within
14 Energy & emissions Local Communities & NGOs within
Diversity and equal Workers & Trade Union, Local Communities and NGOs within
15 opportunities
16 Dialogue with stakeholders Shareholders, workers and Trade Union, within
customer airlines, passengers, suppliers,
Local Communities & NGOs, Financial Institutions
17 Training and education Shareholders, workers & Trade Union, customer airlines within
18 Labour-Management Shareholders, workers & Trade Union within
19 Development of social Shareholders, workers & Trade Union, within & outside
actions & volunteerism Local Communities & NGOs
52 20 Marketing Communication Customer airlines, passenegers within