Page 50 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
P. 50


               3.5. Identifying material issues

               The issues within Goldair Handling’s sphere of interest related   In 2017, a review was performed on the prioritisation of material
               to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development   Company  issues,  and  new  material  issues  were  highlighted
               are diverse, covering a range of thematic units. However,   through a materiality analysis workshop. During the course
               Goldair Handling, in applying the GRI standards, focuses on   of this workshop, the Sustainable Development Team, having
               identifying  the  most  fundamental  sustainable  development   gathered the key issues for each pivotal aspect of Sustainable
               issues related to its operation.                  Development, took into account additional issues and specific
                                                                 characteristics of the sector in which the Company is active.
               By concentrating on these issues and outlining them, the   During the evaluation process, those issues which could lead
               company:                                          to a wide range of changes in Goldair Handling’s performance
                   Identifies issues related to long-term strategic goals.  were taken into account as key topics/issues.
                   Identifies, records, and assesses risks related to the pillars
               of its strategy.                                  In addition, the pressure exerted by the stakeholders on every
                   Recognises strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.  key issue was incorporated into the process, which is based
                   Accepts and manages change.                   on the results of the survey carried out in 2016 by means of a
                   Evaluates its performance at regular intervals and takes   questionnaire assessing key issues.
               actions for improvement.

                                   THE PROCESS OF DEFINING KEY-MATERIAL ISSUES
                                                  (MATERIALITY ANALYSIS)

                               STEP 1                                                    STEP 3
                               Record                                                    Evaluate
                              the issues                                               the risks that
                           highlighted by the                                         are connected
                         stakeholders, through                                          with each
                            communication                 STEP 2                         material
                              with them                   Classify
                                                         all material                     issue
                                                      issues in the scope
                                                      of the Company’s

                                                                              STEP 4
                                                                            the pressure
                                                                          of each stakeholder
                                              STEP 5                       group including
                                              Classify                    the feedback taken
                                            and prioritise                 through relevant
                                           the Company’s                      research

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