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Ramen Sen
Current role:
Vice President HR for India Geo
Key focus areas are-
Enhance the Sales Performance of the Geo.
Deliver to a talent strategy that creates an engaged and motivated
Continue to develop a “Best in Class” HR team in India.
If you were not in HR, what career would you have/what would you
Now that’s a tough one…If I were not in HR, I might have been either managing
a Channel Or Alliances business in one of the IT/IT Services company OR, as
many Indians dream of, I would have been playing Cricket as a professional
About me:
Over 25+ years of experience, Highlight of key projects & initiatives
panning across Sales, Consulting Establishing the right employee experience is all about making the employee
and HR I see myself more as a feel valued, respected and positively challenged thereby impacting the totality
of employees’ perceptions right from hire to retire. The India Field HR team
Business “guy” in disguise of a HR launched the Employee Experience Project comprising of HR cross-functional
Leader. Understanding business work streaks to work on 4 key areas with the sole aim of improving the overall
situations, challenges and employee experience. The team is currently in the second stage of
correlating it with the people/talent implementation which will be followed up by key measurement criteria to
strategies is one of my key skills. evaluate effectiveness. Under the stewardship of Resmi Mohan (Field HR),
Shalini Dutta (Talent Acquisition), C P Poovaiah (LR & Compliance), Srinath
Also, I believe in creating learning Krishnan (Total Rewards) and G. Bhaskar (Field HR) the project is off to a
opportunities for my team and flying start and already showing great improvements in Employee Experience
encourage them to take on new
challenges which helps them to Career Framework Key Outcomes
grow in their career. Development Way
The India Pointnext Defines roles and Enabled CSCB to
GSD Customer Career roadmaps: have a skill ready
Solution Center Enabling internal workforce for new
(CSCB) (2000 employee and aspiring
employees) movement in HPE businesses & career
• Support business Product growth
& delivery Technologies Retained employees
processes for Focus on employees by giving
customers. completing Industry personalized career
• Engagement Standard card
model for certifications & ~Career roadmap
developing trainings across ~Training /
competencies in different certification investment
Solutions and IT product/technologies Enabled 15-20%
Services based on business promotions in India
• Enables every needs and individual Reduced attrition by
remote engineer aspirations 8%
to create a
plan in alignment
with business
and individual
CDP Link: