Page 16 - IAGC_November 2017_Newsletter_FINAL
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Norway                              Sustainable Development Goals       disseminating information and
                                              (SDG), operational risk management,   building reputation were also
          IAGC Conducts Workshop              environmental licensing and strategic   discussed. “We are in a time of
          with Norway Regulators              environmental assessment were       changes, but it also opens doors
          and Partner Trades                  presented and debated by industry   to extraordinary challenges and
                                              experts. For Antonio Guimarães,     opportunities. The reputation is
          IAGC members and staff had a        IBP’s executive secretary of E & P,   directly linked to transparency,”
          productive workshop discussing      this discussion is fundamental for   explained Michel Schwartzman,
          regulatory issues with the          the country. “We are one of the     founder of startup Lent/AG.
          Norwegian Petroleum Directorate     largest oil producers in the world   The event was sponsored
          (NPD) at the CGG offices in Oslo,   and the country with the highest    by Petrobras, Statoil, Repsol
          Norway, on 30 October. The          exploration potential, but this     Sinopec, Trench Rossi Watanabe
          workshop included the Norwegian     potential needs to be explored in a   Advogados, Odebrecht Oil &
          Oil and Gas Association (NOROG).    sustainable way,” said Guimarães.
                                                                                  Gas, Prumo Logística, Queiroz
          IAGC’s Dr. Bob Gisiner provided     Researcher and professor Evandro La   Galvão Exploration and
          information on the best available   Macchia said that “The Ministry of   Production and ABRISCO.
          science proving non-low impacts on   Mines and Energy and the ANP are
          marine mammals and fisheries. The   already making efforts to overcome   New Member
          workshop included a presentation    upcoming big challenges, but the    Resources And Tools
          on current regulatory activities    initiatives with greater capacity
          and future plans, as well as a      to strengthen the industry come     IAGC Adds Literature
          presentation by the Norwegian       from Petrobras, with its divestment   and Research Reviews
          Oil & Gas Association. NPD          plan that puts 99 fields on sale and   to Member Tool Box
          reported that discussions are       creates the possibility of having up   As more focus is generated on
          taking place among government       to 25 new operators in the country.”  seismic activities by NGOs, the
          agencies regarding the interaction   In a panel on environmental        IAGC has included a new section
          of marine mammals and seismic       permitting, Gerhard Peters, IAGC    in the Members Tool Box on the
          surveys. However, it is not likely   Brazil Committee Chairman,         IAGC website called “Literature
          that guidelines will be developed.   Daniele Lomba of Petrobras,        and Research Reviews.” The
          IAGC’s Norway Committee will        and Sebastian Cavalari of Shell     Members Tool Box also includes
          continue to monitor any actions     discussed the lessons learned over   important Talking Points and
          proposed by the government.
                                              20 years and future challenges.     Fact Sheets from the IAGC.

          Brazil                              As one of the solutions to streamline   The latest addition for
                                              the permitting, Gerhard Peters      members’ use includes:
          IBP Retakes the Leading             presented the creation of a database.
          Role in the Debates on HSE          “Studies are similar to areas near   •  IAGC Zooplankton
          and Social Responsibility           to one another, and the database       Paper Talking Points
          in the Oil Industry                 allows the licensing body to look at   •  SEA Act Talking Points

                                              what is really relevant. In addition,   / Fact Sheet
          During the 10th edition of the
          Seminar on Social Responsibility and   it optimizes the data update     •  Talking to the Media Guide
          Safety, Environment and Health,     through new field surveys,” he said.   •  IAGC Annotated Fish
          held by IBP on 9 and 10 November,   IBP invited IAGC to speak at its       Bibliography
          important themes for the resumption   biannual HSE Forum in November.
          of oil industry growth, such as UN   The power of social networks in

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