Page 14 - IAGC_November 2017_Newsletter_FINAL
P. 14

IAGC Continues to Fight for         the other alternatives presented    geophysical surveys in the GOM are
          the Most Practical Approach         in the PEIS—including BOEM’s        likely to jeopardize the continued
          in BOEM’s GOM Final EIS             Preferred Alternative C—and request   existence of ESA-listed species or
                                              BOEM to adopt Alternative A in its   result in the adverse modification
          On 4 August, the BOEM released      Record of Decision. As a much less   or destruction of designated critical
          the Gulf of Mexico Geological       preferable but potentially acceptable   habitat. Consultation is often where
          and Geophysical (G&G) Activities    alternative, we may support         NMFS applies mitigation measures
          final Programmatic Environmental    Alternative C so long as the Record   and restrictions on future activity.
          Impact Statement (PEIS). The        of Decision (ROD) makes all of the
          PEIS is developed to evaluate the   modifications stated in our letter.   Had the IAGC and API been
          potential environmental impacts                                         granted applicant status, it would
          of G&G activities within federal    On 25 August 2017, the IAGC and     have provided the associations the
          waters of the Gulf of Mexico’s      API sent a letter to Secretary Zinke   opportunity to review consultation
          (GOM) Outer Continental Shelf       to express our disappointment with   documents, including the biological
          (OCS) and adjacent state waters.    certain key aspects of the PEIS.    opinion. Applicant status would
                                                                                  have enabled the IAGC to represent
          BOEM selected Alternative C as      The IAGC previously submitted       members who will be affected
          the preferred alternative. Under    detailed comments on BOEM’s         by the action and to provide
          Alternative C, G&G activities       draft PEIS. The final PEIS can be   operational and technical input
          would continue to be authorized     found on BOEM’s website HERE,       during the consultation process.
          and would include the mitigation    and the press release from 8
          measures, monitoring, reporting,    August can be found HERE.           The IAGC, along with API, sent a
          survey protocols, and guidance      The 4 August IAGC Press             letter on 2 October to the National
          in place prior to the settlement    Release can be found HERE.          Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
          agreement from 2013, as well as                                         reiterating a previous request to
          additional mitigation and temporal                                      be granted applicant status to
          measures for seismic and HRG        IAGC Denied Applicant               participate in NMFS’ Endangered
          surveys.In addition, mitigation     Status for GOM Endangered           Species Act (ESA) Consultation
          measures for non-seismic HRG        Species Act Consultation            with the Bureau of Ocean Energy
          surveys and a four-month closure for   On 10 October, the National      Management (BOEM) over future
          seismic surveys in state and federal   Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)   authorization of geophysical surveys
          coastal waters would be included.                                       in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (GOM).
                                              notified the IAGC and API of its
          Many of the measures and controls   decision to deny the associations’   2 October 2017 Letter
          of concern to our members were      request for applicant status in its   Requesting Applicant Status
          kept out of the preferred alternative,   consultation with the Bureau of   NMFS Letter of Denial
          including shutdowns for dolphins,   Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
          broader closure areas, buffer zones   regarding the Endangered Species
          between concurrent surveys, lowest   Action (ESA) consultation for the   Australia
          practicable source standard, limits   Marine Mammal Protection Act      IAGC Responds to Australia
          on “duplicative” surveys, and across-  (MMPA) incidental take regulations   Tax Office Multiclient
          the-board reductions to activity.   for G&G surveys in the Gulf of      Data Tax Regulation
          Notwithstanding, we maintain that   Mexico Outer Continental Shelf.     Reinterpretation
          Alternative A is the only alternative   The end-product of a formal ESA
          that may be consistent with the     consultation is NMFS’ completion    The IAGC has engaged Ernst &
          best available science, operational   of a “biological opinion,” which   Young and will be retaining outside
          feasibility, and applicable law. We   will determine whether future     counsel to assist with government
          continue to strongly object to all                                      involvement and to determine the

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