Page 12 - IAGC_November 2017_Newsletter_FINAL
P. 12

While the comments conclude the     Atlantic Coastal Zone               Gulf of Mexico
          industry has been able to operate   Management Act Review
          successfully under the existing ICR,   Requests Denied                  Gulf of Mexico Seismic Survey
          they make seven specific suggestions                                    Litigation Settlement Update
          for areas of improvement. The       On 29 September 2017, the           On 28 September, the U.S.District
          comments also urge adoption         National Ocean and Atmospheric      Court for the Eastern District of
          and execution of the suggested      Administration (NOAA) Office        Louisiana issued an Order in NRDC
          efficiencies, which will become     of Ocean and Coastal Resource       v. Salazar granting an extension of
          increasingly important in years to   Management denied requests         the settlement agreement covering
          come because of the implementation   from Delaware and Maryland to      the permitting of seismic surveys in
          of a new regulatory framework for   conduct consistency reviews under   the GOM until 1 November 2018.
          G&G activities in the Gulf of Mexico.  the Coastal Zone Management
                                              Act (CZMA). NOAA found that the     The settlement provides continuous
          View the complete comments HERE.                                        coverage for the permitting of
                                              states did not meet the burden
                                              of showing that NMFS’ proposed      seismic survey activities in the
          Atlantic                            issuance of Incidental Harassment   GOM, without risk of challenge or

          Atlantic IHAs: IAGC                 Authorizations (IHAs) for member    litigation from the environmental
                                                                                  group plaintiffs, while BOEM
          Members Encouraged to               companies’ proposed seismic surveys   and NMFS work to complete
          Request Applicant Status            in the Atlantic OCS would have
                                              reasonably foreseeable effects on   their regulatory and settlement
          The IAGC has been informed that     the states’ coastal uses or resources.  obligations. BOEM’s publication
          NMFS’ Endangered Species Act        The IAGC submitted comments         of a final Environmental Impact
          (ESA) consultation for the Incidental   on 21 July 2017 in response to   Statement (EIS) in early August is
          Harassment Authorizations           Delaware’s and Maryland’s requests   a critical step in the settlement
          (IHAs) proposed for Atlantic        to conduct CZMA reviews, arguing    schedule, but its Record of Decision
          seismic surveys is underway and     the same conclusion NOAA            (the final step in the EIS process)
          will be completed in November.      provided in its denials. The IAGC   is still pending, as are several
          The agency estimates that IHA       was successful in encouraging       other critical documents required
          decisions will be issued by the end   other Atlantic states (e.g., Florida,   from both BOEM and NMFS.
          of the year. At least one applicant   Georgia, North and South Carolina)   The settlement extension terms
          has requested and been granted      to not seek review of these         do not include any additional
          applicant status, which allows the   and previous pending IHAs for      mitigation measures, restrictions
          applicant to review and provide     proposed Atlantic seismic surveys.  or concessions impacting GOM
          input into the ESA consultation                                         seismic operations, beyond the
          process and the agency’s            If successful, these states could   measures already in place.
          resulting “biological opinion.”     have potentially delayed, or even
                                              prevented, seismic surveys from     The extension was necessary to
          Because ESA consultation is         occurring within state waters. The   provide continued coverage for the
          often the avenue for NMFS to        denial of the consistency reviews   permitting of geophysical survey
          impose additional restrictive       are major steps in securing our     activities in the Gulf of Mexico,
          mitigation measures, the IAGC       members’ freedom to operate in the   without risk of challenge or litigation
          strongly encourages all applicants   Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.  from current environmentalist
          to request applicant status                                             plaintiffs, while BOEM and NMFS
          without delay. IAGC will assist                                         work to complete their regulatory
          in reviewing and commenting                                             and settlement obligations.
          on the biological opinion.

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